the freakiest thing ever!

Well if it didn't jump, then you my dear have been pranked. There's simply no other way. If you don't believe someone who has access to your fish would move it, then it had to have jumped. You'd be surprised the kind of weird jumps fish can make. If there was so much as a space large enough for that fish to wiggle through, I guarantee you he could wiggle through it.
I have an odd question then - and it might be obvious and I might just be missing it - but if your tank on the bottom only gives you 1 inch between the top of the tank and the bottom of the top shelf, how do you get it open to feed em?

I'd have to agree - it jumped.

Can you post pictures of the tanks?
I can lift the lid up, I would try to post a pic, but all of a sudden for time number 6, I cant upload any pics.

Actually, my mom really does believe that it was the other side. My grandma died, see, and sence then odd things hapen, especially now as it is just over one year, like when my mom brought my aunt home after surgery, she was in a car accident a few months ago and is still having surgery from it so she has to stay with us for a while, her car was running, and they know it wasnt running when she left.
And once my uncles laundry was all folded, or something like that for him, and he didnt even do it, and his wife didnt do it either, she never does house things.
Did you check your net(s) to see if it was damp at all?
*sings* do do do do do do do do

Creeeeepy! Hmm, are you 100% sure there is no openings at all in the lids of the 2 tanks? Like, openings for heaters, filters, fish food, ANYTHING that could be open?
You said your not sure of the species, maybe its a teleporter like Nitecrawler from the xmen, and he got tired of his home, or was curious about other far far away places, and wanted to check it out, you know go chill with his peeps, so he teleported himself to the new tank, then couldnt figure out how to get back to his old tanks so he hid in fear of being discovered.

That or, its a plot from the fish world to take over the world, and they have always had these capabilities and more, but are only now showing them because there gearing up for an attack WAR OF THE WORLDS look out!
no wet nets, and nope, no openings that he could have fit through, I meanb where the heater is there is an opening, but it is like 1 cm, and the fish is a few inches maybe, so he definetly couldnt have gotten through it.

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