the freakiest thing ever!

It probably jumped. This happens all the time at work. Fish will jump from their tank directly to the one underneath. How they get into them and not the tank next to them like you would expect does indeed confuse me...

I found a african butterfly fish in with some guppies last week! ohps...

but like I said, there is no way it could have jumped out.
So it can't have jumped, you're certain it wasn't your brother or your parents ... what do you think happened? ... all I can tell you for a fact is that it did not teleport.

Fish can get out through tiny little holes, so why not in?
same thing happened to Angry_Platy, her sword tail jumped directly into the tank below,there is a way, when fish jump, they sometimes flop around and maybe it was fortunate enough to get into the little hole

I was just going to post my story DD.

Yeah, it happened to a swordy of mine....his GF was in the bottom tank being treated for something and he obviously missed her :lol:

The evidence I had that it jumped was water marks on the wall and the top tank lid being slightly ajar. The BF to this day thinks I moved it and forgot. Like I would really forget about anything I do to my tanks.
well, If I posted a pic of the tanks, yall would see that it wouldnt have been able to jump into it.

my mom thinks its a sign from the Other Side, not like I dont believe in that, but who would move my aggressive fish to my nice fish tank? I would assume from the tank next door, or maybe even the goldfish, but not the cichlid, but maybe other side people dont know about fish.
Yeah either that or somone is re-arranging your tanks in their sleep- i've heard of all kinds of storys of people doing stuff like that while sleep walking :alien:
Tokis-Phoenix said:
Yeah either that or somone is re-arranging your tanks in their sleep- i've heard of all kinds of storys of people doing stuff like that while sleep walking :alien:
i have only sleep walk twice, one time i woke up half way through a water change :S
yeah, it wasnt my brother, as he has fish in that tank as well, and wouldnt want to harm them.
Okay so you don't think he jumped even though this nice group of people told it could, and has happened before so what do you want us to say??

"I think it displaced its cells and swam through the glass ( you know glass is a liquid of sort)"

Sorry to sound annoyed but what do you want us to say ?

Did you leave him in there he must of really wanted to be there, maybe if you move him back up top and tape the tank you can see if he does it again .
I never said I wanted you to say anything! I just posted as it was an interesting thing that happened!
that's like my siamese flying fox. He just disappeared overnight! Never found a dead body and there's nothing in the tank that could've eaten him whole overnight...

I checked the floor like 5 feet away and he wasn't there! There was no foul smell in the room either...

Maybe one of my neighbor had a flying appear in their tank overnight!

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