The Dreaded Bba And Getting Rid Of It

Simples. Right.
I do about 30% per week with the lights off, and yes, there's pearling afterwards.
This Old Spouse said:
Simples. Right.
I do about 30% per week with the lights off, and yes, there's pearling afterwards.
Question. Do you switch your lights off for water change then switch them back on shortly after?
No, because I do water changes during the middle of the day and leave them off until 5 or 6 when I feed the fish.
One thing that really baffles me is why my two bigger tanks have it and my 20G L doesn't. I can't imagine the shrimp and cory eat it. 
Steve suggested the water changes with the lights off and I did it for a while, no change. I did the water change, just before lights off.
But considering that I do water changes with the lights on on 4 tanks, all 50% water change weekly, that theory about BBA and CO2 fluctuations due to a water change is a bit off, otherwise I'd have it in all tanks. Regardless, it makes no change. And yes, my tap water is saturated with CO2, Ph difference between tap and tank is 0.8 because of that and plants pearl.
On the affected tank I've always done 50% water change weekly. It hasn't always had BBA doing the same thing, in fact most of the time it hasn't had any algae.
Then on another forum I read afterwards, the consensus is(including Tom Barr's opinion), that big water changes, exposing the plants to air and saturating them with CO2, helps fight BBA and other algae, not the other way round. Lights off or on don't matter according to them.
So again different opinions.
No disrespect but its hard to give advice to someone who thinks they already know it all.
Im going to repectfully walk away from this thread.
Good luck both of you. I hope you win your war against the BBA.
Well, I'm still looking for an answer, and I don't know anything. That's why I started this thread. I'm still trying to figure out why my 20g has no algae to speak of when my others were practically covered with it. Too many plants? Too few? Shrimp eating it in the little one? I'm just lost.
This Old Spouse said:
Well, I'm still looking for an answer, and I don't know anything. That's why I started this thread. I'm still trying to figure out why my 20g has no algae to speak of when my others were practically covered with it. Too many plants? Too few? Shrimp eating it in the little one? I'm just lost.
I would love to help you, prehaps in PM? Il message you in a bit well go from there:)
No disrespect but its hard to give advice to someone who thinks they already know it all.
I just stated the facts about my situation.Sorry if it doesn't suit your theory, but I can't change facts.
In regards to what Tom Barr or other's like him think, it has nothing to do with me knowing anything.
I'll walk away from the thread.
Please try helping TOS as it has nothing to do with me and your resentment towards me.
fyi, ramshorn snails eat BBA to nothing. just grab a few of them and let them breed and they will do the work for you. sorted!

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