If you start dosing liquid carbon, you need to dose all the range of nutritients macros-N,P, K, etc.. and all micros, otherwise you'll kill one type of algae possibly, and create several other types. This converts your tank to high tech, regardless that you aren't using injected CO2. Liquid carbon just isn't as efficient as injected CO2, that's all.
It is also an algecide, meaning it kills algae if applied in higher dosages(2-3 times the recommended dose on the bottle). It kills some plants too(I can vouch for anubias, but other's known are vallis, anacharis and others...) but make sure you don't dose at once what your tank and fish can handle in a week, and if you use that dose, don't add anything more until the next week via any method. Liquid carbon is generally another name for glutaraldehyde, which is a disinfectant and does have adverse effects on stock if not administered properly.
If dosed per recommendations on the bottle,the manufacturers claim it's fine for livestock. Daily doses is best because it has a life of less than 24hrs, so weekly dosing is useless.
There are several ways to apply it locally on infected leaves. One is to just dose near the affected plant, with the filter off and leave it for a while.
The other one is to dilute it with water 20:1 water:liquid carbon, drain the tank so it exposes the affected plants/algae, spray on them. Leave for a few minutes, then fill the tank up. The algae is supposed to go pink and die in a week.
There are probably other's too, but I haven't tried them.
Regardless, you need to find the root cause why you have algae, because it will reappear soon after as this is not a miracle cure.