The death dyein in people's sigs.


Zebra danios originate from East India.

Pearl danios originate from South East Asia.

What are they chances that they are going to meet and naturally breed. I'm sure there were few incidents of this and most of that breeding has been done by man.

And I wasn't talking danios, I was talking cichlids... what are some cichlids that have naturaly interbred in the wild??? Can you give me any specifics?
African cichilids naturaly interbreed in the wild and se asia is very near to east india and the two speiece do overlap.

and Ken while for drinking and smokeing that is true but for something as seriouse as murder once you are stigmatized you hold that stigamization forever. you often hear about how a murderer or rapist has been let out of jail or about how so and so is a murdurer/ Rapeist / Child molester. In modern english that is how it is used (I can't think of the last time I hear the word ex-murdurer on this side of the pond anyways and I have never heard the turm used on the BBC so I only assum it is that way on the other side as well and I've only ever herd ausies useing it the same way I do) and when I brought it to light I think it was clear that I was nit picking to nit pick. I know it is a good cause I just think that DBD makes it look like a bad cause.

MikeGiangrasso said:
Some of the money also goes to DBD, as I pay for DBD, and the parrots pay me. Legally, I have to put that disclaimer unless I spend a lot of time, effort, and money to log and prove that every last cent made goes to DBD. Some,, if not all, goes to DBD, but not directly, meaning it pays me, and I pay for DBD.


It costs a lot. I spend a lot of money on DBD. That is a way to make it back.

Any questions?
Mike, I admire your willingness to participate in discussion forums such as these and respond to criticisms and feedback of your website and product. In thinking further about this, I don't know who could begrudge you the opportunity to either offset the costs of or profit from the website. It's clear that you've thoroughly thought through the disclaimer and your intent to sell the non-dyed fish. I still don't intend to have a banner in my sig (I won't buy dyed fish either), and I continue to think that distributing fish via this website undermines the spirit of your campaign, but on the other hand, I don't think it undermines your efforts completely. What about including in the page about the undyed parrots that the profits do go towards defraying the costs of maintaining the website?
and Ken while for drinking and smokeing that is true but for something as seriouse as murder once you are stigmatized you hold that stigamization forever. you often hear about how a murderer or rapist has been let out of jail or about how so and so is a murdurer/ Rapeist / Child molester. In modern english that is how it is used (I can't think of the last time I hear the word ex-murdurer on this side of the pond anyways and I have never heard the turm used on the BBC so I only assum it is that way on the other side as well and I've only ever herd ausies useing it the same way I do) and when I brought it to light I think it was clear that I was nit picking to nit pick. I know it is a good cause I just think that DBD makes it look like a bad cause.

If you are quite finished rambling..... :lol:

Stigma and actual intent are two completely, solidly seperate things. You cannot imply one because of the other, its just not possible.

Do a google on 'Ex-Murderer' and you will get plenty of hits. You have probably never heard the word 'valetudinarian' but this does not give you reason to say it doesnt exist and cannot be used. We either use the language properly or assume that any use of it is correct.

Mother Teresa could have sold dodgy second hand cars on the side, it does not make her good work any less valuable, so highlighting a real menace to the hobby is good no matter what the motivation. We are all human, we all do things for either concious or sub-concious selfish reasons. Do not expect so much from people that do good that they are pure as snow, and the little stuff will sort itself out.

Okay Ken I did the google thing and I got 373 results for "Ex-Murderer" (in 0.18 seconds too)

Where as I got 1,040,000 results for just plain "Murderer".

Now that,s a big difference seeing as how in my initial serch I missspelled (sp? I know I'm so bad at it and the spell checker phoeniv showed me stoped working :rolleyes: ) as "murdurer" and got 422 results

oh and "exmurderer" with out the hyphan only got 3 results

Other stigmatized things
Rapist: 357,000
Ex-Rapist: 62
Pedophile: 544,000

I think my case has been made, not by me but by the numbers.

Check and a mate

It has beenan honor and a priveladge debateing with you Ken you are most skilled (and I thought you had me there for a minute)

I think they all tend to get dropped under the label "ex-con". You'll find plenty of those.

Not that I can tell what the heck this thread is about anymore. :)
I think my case has been made, not by me but by the numbers.

Check and a mate

That is not an argument or a conclusion!!! Just because we routinely use it incorrectly does not mean the correct use is wrong!! We are talking about grammar here, not horrific crimes, and in that case, ex-murderer is correct. Case closed.

Did you do a search for the other word I used? If you dont get any hits it doesnt exist? Thats a pretty blind and un-scientific method if I ever saw one.

Your whole argument makes no sense, 'because peole regularly use it incorrectly, that means it is correct'??

thanks, and its always a priviledge for me too :)

Looked up "murderer" in some is the result:

mur·der·er (mûr·dr·r) n.
A person actively commiting murder.

See also mur·der (mûrdr) n.
The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.
Slang. Something that is very uncomfortable, difficult, or hazardous: The rush hour traffic is murder.
A flock of crows. See Synonyms at flock1.

v. mur·dered, mur·der·ing, mur·ders

v. tr.
To kill (another human) unlawfully.
To kill brutally or inhumanly.
To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances.
To spoil by ineptness; mutilate: a speech that murdered the English language.
Slang. To defeat decisively; trounce.

get away with murder Informal
To escape punishment for or detection of an egregiously blameworthy act.
murder will out
Secrets or misdeeds will eventually be disclosed.

Now for the dictionary results for 'ex'

ex1 (eks) pref.
Outside; out of; away from: exodontia.
Not; without: excaudate.
Former: ex-president.

ex2 (eks) n.
The letter x

ex3 (eks) n. Slang
A former spouse or partner.

ex4 (eks) abbr. Bible

ex5 (eks) prep.
Not including; without: a stock price ex dividend.
Abbr. x. Business. Free of any transport or handling charges incurred before removal from a given location: bought the goods ex warehouse.
From, but not having graduated with, the class of: a Columbia alumnus, ex '70.

ex6 (eks) abbr.

See also: tr.v. exed, ex·ing, ex·es
To delete or cross out: He exed each item off the to-do list.

If Murderer means a person actively committing murder, and 'ex' is used in the context in which it means 'former', then Ex-Murderer means former murderer. Case closesd, you can't dispute dictionaries...

Bibliography (in no particular order):
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Thus making this:

the Correct (but yet unpopular) context of former murderer


Mike Giangrasso
I still say murdurers are stigmatized by society and that stigma stays with them forever and since google (as a representation of how society uses words) was Kens only argument for the validity of the turm ex-murdurer.

When you comit a murder ans the stigma develops you are a murdurer in societies eyes and perhaps you could be an ex-murdurer when that stigma desolves but I hardly think that we would execute someone who is no longer stigmatized.

The thing about languadge is that without historical context of popularity or current popularity the languadge used is wrong.

Mike what exactly is an "Ex-Murderer"?

Why don't you take it up with Anthony Swinsinski, creator of over 15 of the banners availiable, and tell him about his little error.


I didnt do that banner, in fact, I went back to deathbydyeing and saw only one banner that I have done for you. I believe that I have done 2 or 3 but nowhere near 15... if you would like me to do more for you then you can go to my portfolio and request one :D. I have changed my email multiple times since then, however if you look on the contact page you will see a link to a new email. It would be nice to catch up with you.

Anthony Swinsinski
WOW, this started with a simple question and now you guys are fighting over the meaning of words. :lol:
Doggfather said:
Please don't start fighting again people! were already off topic
whos fighting..?...its called a discussion. huge difference. :nod:

Give it a page...

And for everyone else, we keep live animals in boxes of water that are absolutely miniscule compaired to their natural habitat. They're smart enough to realize this, and anyone who thinks hybrid fish are wrong somehow, should probably take a second look at what hobby they're involved in.
Well, if you think that breeding hybrid fishes are ok, why cloning is then bad?

I don't think that cheese said hybrids were ok. He merely asked for you to clarify, for the benefits of others, why hybrids were bad.
I understand why hybrids are bad as I keep parrots and understand a little about ethics and genetics, but I know from experience that people don't understand. Personally I think that dyeing fish is very bad. Hybrid fish however don't suffer deliberate pain at the hands of humans and are able to live a normal life in a tank and as long as they never end up being bred from or passed on to someone who might breed I don't personally have a problem with them per se.

It is a bit like someone who breeds dogs, deliberately mating a dog of one breed with another. The pups may look like one of the breeds and they will make perfectly good pets, but if the pup is sold to someone as purebred, even though it may look purebred, the fact that it is crossbred may mean that someone somewhere ends up breeding and ending up with crossbreds without realising it. Whereas, a person who buys puppies, and then inflicts mutilation on them to make them look 'pretty' is inflicting pain and abuse on them. How would you feel if someone somewhere injected 8 week old puppies with a huge needle the size of a knitting needle, several times all over their body and put some sort of dye into them which cause pain, cancer and shortened its life? The difference is that puppies have vocal chords and the screaming in pain can be heard. Fish cannot scream so somehow it is deemed acceptable to pump their bodies full of something toxic.
This is my opinion of hybrids and dyed fish. I am interested how you compare the two and why you think that hybrids are ethically worse than dyed fish.

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