"The Care and Maintenance of Aquarium Fish"


Aug 25, 2003
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I just bought this book about half an hour ago, by Alice Burkhart, Richard Crow and David Keeley. I haven't had time to read it yet (obviously), but what little I've looked at seems good. This is the first book on aquarium fish I have in English, so this will help with learning the names of the species. :)

Does anyone else have this book? What do you think of it, any comments?
I have it (I have 'em all! :lol: ).

I like it and it's got a lot of good stuff in it, but it is a little old fashioned in places (no mention of fishless cycling in my edition) and the medical info is a little confusing as you can't get about 99% of the medication they recommend.

Nice pictures!
Ok sounds like a good little book. If i see it I'll get it ;)
I recently got a book to go with my new hobby. It called something like " The complete guide to keeping and maintaing an Aquarium" its by a guy called Dick Mills.
I think the book has some glaring omitions, even to me and i'm NO expect. The whole chapter of cycling was missed, never mind mentioning the fishless cycle. Nothing about "new tank syndrome" and there are some species of fish missing, which does'nt help when choosing fish.

So in conclusion, not such a complete guide, but its good for reference.
I also have a book like that "The complete Home Aquarium" by Hans J Mayland. But I have an encyclopedia on fish though. ;)
For a fish book hard to beat, and a must for everyone's shelves, you can't go better than Baesch's "Aquarium Atlas". I only have Volume 1, but I noticed the two volume set was on sale on Ebay UK (it's currently at £16). Volume 1 is fine on it's own as a starter and I actually take it to bed with me and devise "fantasty tanks" from the photos in there.

It's also incredibly useful for looking like a right know-it-all in public aquaria.
I actually got the title wrong it's called "You and Your Aquarium" with the othe title i mentioned previously as a sub heading.

Not a bad book if a little basic in places.

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