The Betta That Was Stuck In The Post

I had a similar experience with my American Breds... They were only in transit for a week and a half... But I was also convinced they'd be dead and surprised to open the box and see happy little Bettas! As my import agent tells me "they are fantastic little travelers!" by ain't that the truth!

I'm so glad your story has a happy ending! That's really amazing!
I do wonder if the Post could have done more, though. I mean...rules are rules, but surely they could bend things a little considering there was a life on the line. Especially considering they told you they would. Is there maybe a supervisor you could speak with? It could save maybe other fish in the future.
Nice story. I'm glad your betta is ok. I hope he lives a nice happy life. I'll bet he's happy to be out of that bag and getting food. :)

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