The Berlin Method Of Filtration...


Jul 9, 2007
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Reading, UK

Just wondering who uses only the Berlin method of filtration to filter there tank.

I ask this becuase I would like to use this but if its useless...not being cheap or anything :shifty:

Thanks in advance,

The Berlin system is lots of liverock (1kg per 10l minimum, preferably double), lots of flow (20X+ an hour turn-over), a large skimmer (should do a tank double the size at least) and chemical resins :good:

Yes, I use the Berlin system, bar the chemical resins, as sole filtration on my nano no problems :good:

All the best
I have a 250L (55G) tank, with 45kg live rock. More than 20x flow per hour and a big skimmer. No chemicals.

Perfect water quality, spawning system, loads of life from the live rock flourishing, can keep sensitive fish (had boxfish and wimplefish so far, except the boxfish got sucked into a powerhead), 0 nitrate ammonia nitrite.
Same goes for me too.

Used to have an external filter fluval, when to my horror was told that they harbour nitrates and best to get rid.

Got quite a bit of LR, but will need to get some more as i have upgraded the tank to 5 x 2 x 2.

Good skimmer deltec ap701, more than 20x flow per hour and most definitely no chemicals.

In the sump i have Miracle Mud in one compartment and a nice juicy block of Reefresh2o in another.

Water readings are bob on and its all coming along nicely.
Well I am glad that no ones had any bads with the type of filtration!
Is it possible to run skimmerless?

Well I am glad that no ones had any bads with the type of filtration!
Is it possible to run skimmerless?
Well I am glad that no ones had any bads with the type of filtration!
Is it possible to run skimmerless?

Well I am glad that no ones had any bads with the type of filtration!
Is it possible to run skimmerless?
I too use this method. I have a 75 gallon tank with almost 100 lbs of live rock now and my water quality is great. :good: I also use a skimmer rated for 125 gallons. I have to empty it once a week. I have heard that you can do it without the skimmer but it is my understanding that as an added measure, the protein skimmer is used to remove some of the dissolved organic compounds from the rock before they break down into ammonia. So, I would advise using the skimmer just for your sanity.
Totally agree with Sea Turtle.

Skimmerless option in my opinion would just be asking for trouble. Especially if your keeping corals along with live stock etc.
I have taken the advice and looked for a skimmer Skimmer

What do you think?
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I too use the Berlin method. If you're going with a reef tank, it's really the best way to go.

And avoid Jebo skimmers like the plague. Not even worth the plastic they're made out of ;)
You're not gonna find a decent motor driven skimmer for £25 in new condition :sad: If you are on a budget, you will have to go second hand :nod:

I have no direct experience with those Jebo's, though my ex-supervisor at work and reefer of 25 years advised me to avoid them at all costs. He called the Boyu internal things OK when they are rubbish IMO, so these jebo's must be poor :crazy:

Look at Aquamedic, Deltec and Tunze. A Deltec MC300 would be ok, or a MC600 would be better if you want a Hang on the back jobby :good:

MC600 HOB is the mutts knuts apparently. It is the best skimmer you can get that hangs off the back.
deltecs are good ive heard bad reviews about the 300 though, but lots of great things about the 600, they also dont have a pump in the tank that takes up a lot of room like some of the others.

though if its a nano tank you can get away without a skimmer just plenty of water changes are sufficent, i ran my little nano without a skimmer, mainly cus i didnt want to take up room in there with one.
I will have a look at all the skimmers that you all suggested and pick the one that suits me.

Shibby - what volume was your tank? Mine is 30 uk gallons so I would not really class it as a nano but I think I will not be able to get away without using a skimmer :no:
one was a 15 gal didnt ever use a skimmer the other one was a 40gal uk which i didnt have a skimmer on for ages, btu when i went reef i bought one and was pretty pleased with it.

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