Bio media question

That's a good idea, Essjay. I wish I would have known years ago that saving a link wasn't enough.

I haven't looked for more carbon & biofilm links yet but they're out there.

Here's an article from the site I had originally found the good graphics. Not the same, but still an overview of biofilms

I know we're not allowed to link to other forums, so can I paraphrase Dr. Tim? He states that nitrifying bacteria work best if biofilms are kept thin & well oxygenated. This, I think, is why we need to rinse & squeeze out our filter media, to keep the "bio-slime" thin & healthy, working to deal with ammonia & nitrite... (he worked at Marineland & helped develop bio wheels I believe) but there are other interesting things that can form in biofilms; some good & some not so much.
That's a good idea, Essjay. I wish I would have known years ago that saving a link wasn't enough.
If you have Microsoft Office or Libre Office (good and free) You could setup a spread sheet with your saved articles by category. Just link the title to the actual document and the spread sheet acts like a menu. This is how I setup my movie library of over 1000 titles. I click on a title and the movie starts. Here is a small section of my movie menu to sort of give an idea. You could easily do the same with articles in pretty much any format; Word, PDF, text, etc.. Happy to give a hand setting up if needed.

I actually have several documents on different aspects of fish keeping on my laptop (and several external storage devices) covering different aspects of the hobby. That makes it easier to find what I want; if, for example, I want to know the ingredients of a particular med I can go straight to the document on "medication and other chemicals".

The documents also include the urls of the websites the information came from. Even if the sites no longer exist WayBack Machine can usually find the sites.
You can also save web pages locally but I found that not really efficient. I'm not a normal case though as I have over 14 TB of storage (not counting externals) so efficiency isn't as important to me as it is to some.
Thanks guys! I know I should have better computer skills :rolleyes: I tend to use some things so seldom I forget how to use them the next time (our camera, much software, etc) or there's something new. Luckily my husband is more computer literate & (sometimes) fairly patient. I'm pretty good at tax returns, lol. My husband is good at "is this med still safe & effective after it has expired?" But he's not as current on some newer stuff anymore...As Rosanne Roseannadanna said, "it's always something" (for those who remember Gilda Radner on early SNL).

I haven't looked for Tom Barr's opinions on carbon removing "micronutrients". Not a difficult search. As I recall, it doesn't remove macro ferts. The problem is we live in many different places with different water conditions.
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