Hey this is your sight right?
anyway.. I still don't see how you got into such an amazing career.. I mean so many people do it..but it seems so few have a job in it.
I still work at UC Davis as a researcher dealing with different methods to kill Hydrilla, basically I'm a weed scientist, I kill aquatic weeds.
That's my day job, this is just icing on the cake that can lead to many other options.
Some are content with a full time job alone.
My hobby, education, professional academics, business, web site are all different in ways, but they all revolve around one single theme: water and plants/algae.
So it's not work really in some respects........
I'm good at helping folks fix their plant issues, that's why I'm where I am at, big goals = big results, you must act on them, not just some fanatsy, talk is cheap.
Yes, I own the business, but I'm mainly the person that keeps things going, does the scape, works with the design, adds the CO2, consulting with engineering etc, I sub and contract out various projects and help save folks $$$ and reduced management.
I do not have a show room, I'd have a ton of pics and such other wise.
I have a few clients but very high line clients.
I do not take smaller clients most aquarium mainteance folks take.
They cannot afford the price nor really require such services.
Freinds I know personally I'll help and redo and then they can maintain it etc.
I only want to do large projects, so I do not accept less.
But it's still just icing on the cake, I have a career in aquatic weed sciences and academia as well and will pursue both, not just one focus.
Tom Barr