The whole fishless cycling thing and plants was a hidden discovery for me, I went for the whole fishless cycling thing on my 'new' tank (now 6 months old) and planted from week 1. I never saw any ammonia, and nitrIte never went above 0.25ppm and was only present for 3 days. It was only after the 'cycle' that I found this forum and some recent articles in a UK magazine that discuss plants and tank cycling.
I've never seen a NH4 reading unless I specifically added inorganic N.
Many do see NH4 when they use ADA aqua soil, but they also should do more water changes in the first 1-2 months(2x a week say 50%), which is not bad advice for any set up as long as you dose thereafter each water change.
Many Discus folks do this routine all the time.
Or when things get neglected, algae, poor CO2 etc
Plants are highly effective filters, I like the way they look vs the ugly old bacteria and excess plants I can sell or trade.
I think if folks have any NH4, it's due to poor soils, ADA As and not enoughb water changes in the start up, and not enough plant biomass.
If you do non CO2 methods, you should also find the same patterns as well as in marine and brackish systems.
I have a very sensitive NH4 meter and also a nice colorimeter that's cvery accurate at low ranges.
I have not really done a nice study on NH4 and it's influence on algae blooms, but some day in the next few months hopefully I might get to it.
If you have a heavy bioload like this tank, then suddenly stop adding so much CO2, which drives rapid uptake of NH4 under high light, this causes a back log of NH4, although small, it's often enough to induce some algae species.
CO2 can be a direct(say like BBA) and indirect (say Greeen water) algal inducement factor therefore. I've seen Staghorn (Compsopogon) with urea and too high fish loading, and ADA AS in many tanks that left the urea/NH4 in there rather than water changes, good CO2, zeolite etc.
Mulm is highly effective to start a new tank, it adds precisely what is missing from a new substrate and filter. It's also something that can be used in new marine, brackish and FW fish only tanks, reefs etc.
Tom Barr