The Behaviour Of Black Ghost Knifefish

well i got my BGK a while back and about 2 weeks after i built a massive rock mountain.

i realised jus as i finished that my BGK would go behind there never to be seen again lol.

i can check on him by going outside and leaning in through the window to the back of the tank but i cant wait till hes too big 2 hide!!!

Well this is why i want then because they hide. I also have wood shrimp and pokodot loaches which also hide.
But i have made night lighting which bring out the night fish.. and some of my cory's

I just wanted to make sure they wouldnt eat all my fish when they got bigger.

Do the mouths of the fish stay the same size like discus fish?

i have moonlights but i still dont seem him :/

the rock mountain is fairly huge so he has no need to come out much.

hes only about 3"-4" too which doesnt help.

Well didnt you know that he is watching you watching him.. he is going to wait until you go to bed then its party time... thats why all the fish zoom around when you come back in the room. they are all going back to the action spots.

Havent you seen the truman show :)
this is afterfeedingtimesmyarmsgone, on my friends name, to add to this, if u can, get say a speaker set up in the water so u can here it, and when they're mating, u'll hear a rather beautiful song, on also, a bgk doesn't need as much space as u think, if u have wide long tank that's low, u'll be good if ur just keeping him alone, u just have to have a good cave. for about half his life, u'd be good w/ a 40 long or a 55 long. then move up to a rather large tank. But they're also rather temperamental, so u might end up not having long enough to get out of the 55. they're rather uhm, finicky at first and will cause a bit of worry to u, if ur new to them. HOWEVER if u get one, just be sure u kno enough about em, they're good characters and are quite awesome. I <3 BGKs.

oh also, if u get the 15 dollar blue lunar light set-up, u'll see them quite prominantly at night, it looks awesome too, u just hook it to your tank hood.
One thing that I will add is that when you do get your BGK I would recommend that you buy the biggest one that you can afford.

They seem to be more sensitive when smaller and unfortunately we went through 3/4 smaller ones (the biggest being about 4"). However, we got the two bigger ones at about 7" and they have been fine.
well i had to destroy my rock mountain to get some fish out and im now left with a pretty crappy lookin lil pile.

on the plus side the gaps between rocks are bigger so i can see my BGK!

wish he grew faster tho!

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