Hey everyone, sorry for such a late reply!
it appears ive been Blocked from the forum at home for some reason

So i've had to wait untill i'm at work to check up on this thred. Here i shall answer some of your questions.
And hopefully if i get this working back at home, i'll update with some new pictures of cloud
OneOnion - I'd prefer the inbetween of 30Gal, Axolotl.Org states that 18 inches is the acceptable size for one adult,
which would mean you're looking at a 60litre -2ft tank. Cloud likes in a 30Gal - 120 litre tank, and is quite happy.
So i'd probably stick to those guidelines.
Naughty T - I cant wait to see these pictures

just make sure to include you axolotls name
Yeah I was really thinking of getting one until I found out how expensive they were in the U.S.(Well not really, the actual axolotl was $30.00 but the shipping was $70!)
No , you want them to stay in the water or they will morph into an unhappy salamander. I will rate them as easy & fun. You do need a big tank , at least 40 gall. They grow to be over a foot long. They are easy to tame & will beg & eat right out of your hand. I live in the U.S. in Wa. state & I can't find them for a good price anymore. Originally ( 13 yrs ago ) I paid $12.00. I finally found them last summer but they wanted $65.00 ! It was ridiculous. You must keep the water clean & let them be by themselves.
are you sure about the 40 gall. part? It says here that...
Young Axolotls maybe small and cute, but they shall not stay small forever! Remember to Accommodate for your Axolotls future not its present.
An Adult Axolotl can live quite happily in at least a 10 Gallon Aquarium, although I usually prefer larger. They are kept in smaller conditions in laboratories, but I’m not going to compare laboratories to pet ownership as they are two totally different worlds.
So I'm a little confused here... Will they be happy in a 15 gallon aquarium, or is the minimum 40 gallons?
I can't imagine having 1 in a 10 gallon or a 15 gallon tank. It's too bad that they don't stay little & extra cute so they could. Instead they get huge. Mine are at least a foot long. They were fine in my 40 gallon tank but are much happier in the 500 gallon pond. I briefly had the 1 that morphed into a salamander in a 15 long tank & he was always trying to escape & was successful more than once. I like my pets to be happy & I don't think that there are very many fish that would really be happy in a 10 gallon tank JMO
Its nice to read that your axolotls are in a nice home

, and a decent size too. Pictures?
Well done for having one which morphed into a salamander, although you've achieved something to get it to happen.
Just remember it dramatically shortens there lifespan and is unhealthy for them to undergo that change.
But they are still an interesting salamander when morphed, i'd be tempted to keep one out of experience.
Axoloti are cute!! but thier only hold back is that they are the larval stage of a salamander. I would say the best to do is to research both the Axoloti and the salamander. mine is living in the 10 meters long EMPTY pond that I was thinking of keeping my snakeheads in it, but those snakeheads are in a public aquarium for people to see them. the turtles usually make some visit to that pond but they preffer the pond with kois, arowanas and goldfishes. they don't harm my Axoloti.
So do you have any pictures of this 10 meter long empty pond (except for axolotls and sometimes turtles on thier visits from from the arowana/koi/goldfish pond) cos it sounds amazing? I'm sure even baby J
esus himself would be in awe of it and not cry at all.
I agree with you T, the whole idea seems rather farfetched like it was a caption taken out of the "garden of eden".
I'll start of by saying your turles are gona love the tasty unprotected flesh of your axolotls, as well as find their gills looking appetising. As would the snakeheads. No offence to you M.R Otter, but the ingestion of illegal drugs may have brought on that euphoria of a dream, unless you're mad?
But given any case, if there are pictures and evidence that these things are living all fine; i will apologise, take bcak everything i have said, and hail you M.R Otter as the nice Messiah of my life.
Keep the responses coming people