Hey guys, i dont check this forum too often as my lifes quite busy. But here i'll do my best to answer your questions.
What do you guys feed yours?
My Axolotl feeds on a variety of foods. His Main Diet includes a random rotation of:
Red Mosquito Larvae (blood worm), Artemia, Mysis and Beef Heart.
Sometimes he'll eat earth worms as well if they are available.
He does also quite enjoy "Hikari sinking carnivour pellets". I used them as a food source when i went on holiday.
As my friend didnt fancy holding the food infront of clouds face and being bitten.
As i have sand though, i prefer frozen foods as it allows me to be feeding him away from it, limiting the chance of accidental sand ingestion and impaction.
My Axolotl lives in a 120L tank and he loves it

Just make sure you manage to meet all their requirements ^^
As for getting hold of one,
most LFS's can get hold of them, but wont unless they need to.
So if you do get one, make sure to get it the day it comes into the LFS.
They are usually put into tanks with animals which can harm them, the longer they're their
the more risk of disease and death they can have.
If they're in their own tank though, or with others of similar size (for adults).
Then it should be fine

Definately make sure to inspect your animal before hand though!
How good of an idea is it to keep an axolotl as a first salamander?
Also, what fish is that in your avatar? Thanks
I think axolotls are a brilliant first salamander.
They arnt the most difficult animal to keep, and they're full of personality.
They also have the advantage of being fully aquatic (unless Morphed),
which makes there requirements similar to fish keeping and more desirable.
hey Xenon Junkie, why don't you post what you had wrote about this "salamander", in the fish index?! you do know a lot about them.... I will try to get one or two of those salamaders, they soooo COOOOL!!
If I had enough time I may,
But i visit this forum occassionally.
Although it'd be easy just to copy and paste this into there i guess
I don't really understand... Do you need a un-submerged placce in an axolotl tank?
Also, how much usually is an Axolotl in the US? And are there any places I can get one for cheap? Thanks.
EDIT: Also I forgot I have one more question, in a scale of 1 to 10, how easy is it to care for an axolotl and keep it alive? (10 being very difficult, 1 very easy)
All the axolotls tank is going to be water, the depth of that water is up to you. But the axolotl itself does not need an area of land to crawl onto. If Morph'd then the set up will need a complete change, as it becomes a more terrestrial animal.
I cant say how much they will cost, as im a Uk Resident. Here the price ranges dependant on the availability of the animal.
Personally i put them at being a 2/10 for ease.
I dont have to do much with mine. Regular water change, feed every few days. The only effort truely involved is getting the silly thing to notice the food infront of his face

. But appart from that, i believe they are the perfect starter salamander. Especially for fish keepers.
I got 2 baby ones from my LFS a few months ago for £10 each and he had loads at the time,i got my big guy free from a member on here and just paid the postage costs.
thats good to hear

how are they doing?
They are brilliant fun,they all hand feed and the wee ones are growing fast
Im really glad to hear that

you'll have to get some pictures up for us!