The 10x4

+10 clown loaches 8 zebra loaches 5 yoyo loaches
*4 chocolate - reduced to 2 when sexed maybe (negative can't keep serpae or zebra loaches with them)
~4-6 laeracara thayeri
6 to 8 krobia xinguensis
10x Annostomus Ternetzi
10x Synaptolaemus Latofasciatus
some random pleco (L208, one of the gold nuggets - probably L271 or L018 (271 is large dots, 018 is small dots and 18/85 are medium), l172a, l204, l128,... TBD)
10-20 hemiodus gracilis (not sure these are chocolate safe)
15 serpae tetra (current ones i have but not add to them; they will eventually die off)
(chocolate will eat them when they get larger)
Feel free to comment for further refinement.
Might I suggest a leopard ctenopoma. If you’re planning on getting big peaceful fish and nothing under four inches in length long term then the leopard bush fish could be a great choice because of how peaceful they are and their love of plants.
Might I suggest a leopard ctenopoma. If you’re planning on getting big peaceful fish and nothing under four inches in length long term then the leopard bush fish could be a great choice because of how peaceful they are and their love of plants.
The brief info i read on them suggest they require prepared food - which i only do occasionally - also the festum can get a bit skittish which is something i need to think about with the loaches - the angels don't seem to mind so much but the festum have a real problem - i was going to put them in the 8x4 but then they would eat all the rummynose i through in there (they will eat cherry barbs and serpae tetra as it is).

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