Thanks For Voting. My Betta's New Name Is Ernie :)

from what i remember of the pic, he looks more like kylie on her showgirl tour......

so i vote for kylie!


(yes, i know it's not a choice......but you're aussie and well, your betta can honour her battle and recovery of breast cancer!)

My Betta might be living in Australia, but he's still not a girl :).

He is however a bit temperamental and full of himself like Russel Crowe.
I also chose Ernie, it just seems like a nice name :good:
And Othello was a bit too tragic for a fish lol
Thank you to everyone for voting in the poll to name my Betta. I'd like to declare that the name Ernie won the most votes, and I am about to go tell my fish that his official name is Ernie. A special thank you to dasmall1 for suggesting the name. Thanks again everyone!

P.S I'm still trying to work out how to end the poll so there are no more votes :blush: ....... I've deleted the poll. Sorry to anyone who wanted to see all of the results. There were 21 votes, and Ernie won, with Sparticus as a close second.

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