Thank you and good night

He's taking what people have said to an absurd level, hyperbole, to make us sound ridiculous. Worse, a lot of it is things he and I have debated over, and he's digging at me, while pretending to be civil.

I see you, @itiwhetu , and you're not subtle.
This morning alone, within an hour of making this post, you said;

People didn't say that cories would die on a gravel base, they said they couldn't practice their natural behaviours of filter feeding unless on a fine sand base, and that there's a higher risk, depending on the gravel type - of cories developing an infection by trying injuring their barbels on gravel while trying to dig for food. You know, practicing their natural behaviours. Not that they would die without sand. You're using hyperbole to mischaracterise what we said, and we see you doing it.

Less than an hour later, you claim it's great and you've learned a lot, and you never said anything bad about the forum...

And this was a direct dig at me for not leaving my cory eggs where they were laid as you demanded I do on my thread, since I didn't want them to be eaten by the adults. I followed the same methods laid out by Ian fuller, a recognised expert on corydoras, but that's not good enough for you, you insisted you had to say something "because I don't want others going down the same path. There are better ways to raise fry". I had to practically beg you to actually explain what way you actually thought was better, instead of just criticising me, and you admitted it wouldn't work in my tank, but have continued to make digs at me in at least two other threads about it.

Has it reached the point of harassment yet?

Hardly seems sincere, when the next list of "things I've learned" are completely mischaracterised, and you said the opposite less than an hour before making this thread...

First one, true. Glad you finally accepted that one.
Cycling - depends on the method, and still varies somewhat. The cycling threads go into a lot of detail, but there's fishless cycling, fish-in cycling, silent cycles, seeded cycles, planted cycles... different methods, different time frames, individual tank variability.

Who said the organs would blow out of their bodies?
I can't help but think this is yet another dig at me, since I mentioned stunting caused by fish in too small a tank yesterday, and you replied only to tell me I should have been kinder.

And no where did I say the organs would blow out of their bodies. That the fish would be stunted and organs not stunt, causing the fish to have a shortened lifespan, yes. But it doesn't swell up and pop like a cartoon, and no one said it did. More hyperbole to make us sound ridiculous. So passive aggressive!

It's spelled 'yolk'. A yoke is what they used to have oxen pull ploughs, back in the day.

Again, you said something different less than an hour before this, after saying it was unjustified that we were 'obsessed' that cories be on sand. If you want a fish to be able to practice a behaviour that comes naturally to them, the very way they feed - then yes, a fine sand substrate is the best for cories. But no ones said they would die on gravel, unless they damaged their barbels while digging into rough gravel to fetch food, and develop secondary infections.. a common problem for cories on gravel, just because you didn't experience it yourself doesn't make it invalid.

Yet another dig at me about my cory fry. If you'd paid attention to my thread instead of just screaming that we were all wrong, you'd realise that my fry are in a NET breeder box, so contained, but in 12.5 gallons of water, not a couple of litres. But again, I'm gonna trust Ian Fuller over you, I'm sorry that bothers you so much.

There are also different methods of raising fry for different species. I haven't seen anyone argue that that's only one way to raise all fry, except you.

Again, if you have some personal issue with me, or my advice, or how I raise my fish, I suggest you take it to pm and tell me straight, instead of this passive aggressive rubbish thrown at me in other threads - pretending to be okay while making digs elsewhere is petty and childish, and it seems I'm not the only one fed up with it.

[emphasis added]
Can hardly blame @kwi for thinking you were leaving when you also said this. When you talk out of both sides of your mouth, you don't get to complain when people get mixed messages.

There is an old Chinese proverb, "Two old Chefs should never cook in the same kitchen.".... lol....:)
I'm from south Lancashire, so it league for me :) Saints was my local team. They've all got fancy names now though.
I’m originally from Wigan been some good battles between the two teams over the years . I came to Australia when I was in my early twenties and am now mid forties but will always be a pie eater.
My father was from St Helens, my mother from Ashton so they never agreed on which team to support :)

And when we lived in Lowton, members of the Leigh team came to coach the children at my sons' primary school.
My father was from St Helens, my mother from Ashton so they never agreed on which team to support :)

And when we lived in Lowton, members of the Leigh team came to coach the children at my sons' primary school.
My father was from St Helens, my mother from Ashton so they never agreed on which team to support :)

And when we lived in Lowton, members of the Leigh team came to coach the children at my sons' primary school.
ahhh at times I miss home badly even after all these years not being there . The rugby fans are the best they support their teams passionately without getting stupid and starting fights, you could even have a pint while watching the game something you could never do at the football it would cause so many problems. After mum and dad died I haven’t been back there it just upsets me too much . Hope things get better with the coronavirus situation and things get back to normal soon for you all.
This Thread was wonderful if you want to really get a good look at how the human mind works in a social situation this thread does it all it started out as a threat of somebody complaining about getting advice on a forum site where people share their experiences and give advice about keeping fish and then all the sudden it turns to soccer or what I call real football American football which I'm not getting into all that BS about that I'm just talkin about how the human mind works we all are short attention span creatures almost like the fish that we keep LOL

ahhh at times I miss home badly even after all these years not being there . The rugby fans are the best they support their teams passionately without getting stupid and starting fights, you could even have a pint while watching the game something you could never do at the football it would cause so many problems. After mum and dad died I haven’t been back there it just upsets me too much . Hope things get better with the coronavirus situation and things get back to normal soon for you all.
You’ve been away a long time if you think fighting at footballs a regular thing still. I’ve been to over 300 away games from 1975-2019 and not seen any battles for well over ten years. The few that occur are arranged by the participants as private functions. Idiots are gonna be idiots.
We regularly drink alongside the opposition fans pre and post match and always have done when allowed.
My old London local used to fill up on the weekend of the RL Final at Wembley with fans of all clubs not just those playing. That’s something football could learn from though it doesn’t seem to happen as much now. It was also the drinking hole of the lads who formed the original London Broncos back in mid-late 80s. Big lads those Aussie n Saffer Rugby League backpacking lads. Liked a pint as well!
This Thread was wonderful if you want to really get a good look at how the human mind works in a social situation this thread does it all it started out as a threat of somebody complaining about getting advice on a forum site where people share their experiences and give advice about keeping fish and then all the sudden it turns to soccer or what I call real football American football which I'm not getting into all that BS about that I'm just talkin about how the human mind works we all are short attention span creatures almost like the fish that we keep LOL
My attention spans not even that lo........ok a pigeon on a telephone wire have you ever seen anything so gr........ainy today isn’t it?
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