Thank you and good night

I’m really baffled with the comments and hostility on here tbh. After reading this thread I went through and search @itiwhetu comments thinking he was abit some arrogant person and honestly could not see anything wrong with what he (sorry if your a she) was saying and bringing forward with his experience and that is exactly what they are his own experiences. Were some comments forward, yes but it’s been taken the wrong way, I have a lot of kiwi friends that speak this way but it’s just how they address things. It’s not to scrutinise anyone! Everyone fish keeps differently whether it’s by the book, this forums way or what they have found that works for their fish and well being in their own way. We all fish keep different, but it’s the love we have for the hobby that makes it enjoyable and rewarding!
Have I had my fair share of disasters... Absolutely! Do I prime, yep only because I can smell the chlorine in my tap water when I run it. Do I use other chemicals, nope... I have only done this once when I couldn’t fight the columnaris in the tank, I will use salt before even thinking about meds! Have I been questioned about this and the dose rate, absolutely but I have gone with the salt dose rate that Colin has advised and never had a problem. And last but not least.. do I fish keep differently to others, I would have to strongly advise yes I do BUT I have also learnt a lot from others on here and incorporated it into my way.

So not everyone is going to agree but this is what it’s all about, sharing your experiences and helping others learn. What works for one may not work for others but no need to scrutinise everyone’s beliefs. I think everyone needs to be a bit more open minded on others experiences tbh.
I totally agree on the having an open mind thing.

I also agree that we do all have our own beliefs and little quirks that we do when caring for fish.

Take me for example: I personally believe a Betta fish should not be kept with any other species of fish, regardless of if the betta is “chill” or not.

That is a widely disputed topic. I have been talked to sternly about it by several members, how it’s worked out for them. And that’s great! I just will never do it.

We as humans, even in real life, tend to think we are right all the time, and that no one can tell us other wise.

There are very few members on here that I would actually consider “experts” and that is @Colin_T and @Byron. Everyone else is still learning and will continue learning as they continue the wonderful hobby.

We should all be open to suggestions. Even if a person that you don’t particularly like responds to one of your posts for help, you should be grateful for their response and grateful that they took the time to do so.

And you guys really should lay off of @itiwhetu. He has been called a lot of names here that I am shameful to read... :(
I totally agree on the having an open mind thing.

I also agree that we do all have our own beliefs and little quirks that we do when caring for fish.

Take me for example: I personally believe a Betta fish should not be kept with any other species of fish, regardless of if the betta is “chill” or not.

That is a widely disputed topic. I have been talked to sternly about it by several members, how it’s worked out for them. And that’s great! I just will never do it.

We as humans, even in real life, tend to think we are right all the time, and that no one can tell us other wise.

There are very few members on here that I would actually consider “experts” and that is @Colin_T and @Byron. Everyone else is still learning and will continue learning as they continue the wonderful hobby.

We should all be open to suggestions. Even if a person that you don’t particularly like responds to one of your posts for help, you should be grateful for their response and grateful that they took the time to do so.

And you guys really should lay off of @itiwhetu. He has been called a lot of names here that I am shameful to read... :(

I have never owned a Betta but I have seen the agree to disagrees on housing a betta whether it’s alone or in a community tank. But that is your opinion which is absolutely fine hun but others have found a safe haven to well suit a betta in a community tank!

Colin and Byron are well up there with being the go too and well knowledge ones on the forum and I am 100% with that but I also think there are quite a few on here that are very well knowledgeable and know the ins and outs to help ppl and that’s fantastic. But just because someone else does it another way to you doesn’t mean they are wrong. I will admit I don’t post much at all well rarely ever tbh because you get scrutinised because you haven’t done it the way that person has done it or not to their beliefs. (I am not pointing any fingers at anyone in particular at all here just implying from what I have been catching up on over the weeks I haven’t been on)

I just think the support towards one another has really been let go here and maybe something to look at.
I totally agree on the having an open mind thing.

I also agree that we do all have our own beliefs and little quirks that we do when caring for fish.

Take me for example: I personally believe a Betta fish should not be kept with any other species of fish, regardless of if the betta is “chill” or not.

That is a widely disputed topic. I have been talked to sternly about it by several members, how it’s worked out for them. And that’s great! I just will never do it.

We as humans, even in real life, tend to think we are right all the time, and that no one can tell us other wise.

There are very few members on here that I would actually consider “experts” and that is @Colin_T and @Byron. Everyone else is still learning and will continue learning as they continue the wonderful hobby.

We should all be open to suggestions. Even if a person that you don’t particularly like responds to one of your posts for help, you should be grateful for their response and grateful that they took the time to do so.

And you guys really should lay off of @itiwhetu. He has been called a lot of names here that I am shameful to read... :(
Thanks for your comments
Well... it depends on if you are a Brit or not... ;)

I'm just gonna throw a spanner in the works there. We've Gaelic Football which differs to American Football & Soccer and there's also Aussie Rules which their custom version of Garlic Football... Or as we call here... Football.

My high school (actually called The High School) banned soccer being played in campus. It was a rubgy school :rofl: before anyone mistakes me for posh... I was there on government grant.

(The government covered private school fees as it was the only non Catholic school in my area)
I have been keeping fish for 45 years, bred some cool stuff, hope to inspire new bees, hope to challenge those who may be stuck in a rut. I have been lucky, I have been exposed to the conditions in quarantine facilities, I have been exposed to the treatment fish get in commercial breeding operations. I want the average fish keeper not to have to see those things. I want to be able to contribute to the hobby, it is a passion of mine. I always say do your research, trust nobody, follow your instinct. This is not an exact science.
“Trust nobody, follow your instinct”.....Absolute rubbish ...and you were recovering so well.

Theres a reason I never got beyond the opening post until today, I’ve seen too many failed forum flounces over the years. Few flounce and stay flounced for good. Your semi flounce is the worst kind of flounce, destined for failure either way when falling between two stools. A full on flounce is more spectacular, memorable and a thing to be admired in itself. If a poster feels the need to flounce just flounce and stay flounced.
The “traditional” internet way is to return a few weeks later under a new ID with an altered posting style and remembering not to post the anecdote your previous ID did.

I think you’re a good poster btw. Never noticed your previous negativity or disagreements with anyone prior to reading this today. You should stay. Dying on sarcastically exaggerated hills isn’t a good look though. If it was me I’d put it down to the drink and a bad day....though it may be too late.

Im flouncing from this thread and won’t be back.

Golden forum rule number One: What happens on a thread stays on a thread.
“Trust nobody, follow your instinct”.....Absolute rubbish ...and you were recovering so well.

Theres a reason I never got beyond the opening post until today, I’ve seen too many failed forum flounces over the years. Few flounce and stay flounced for good. Your semi flounce is the worst kind of flounce, destined for failure either way when falling between two stools. A full on flounce is more spectacular, memorable and a thing to be admired in itself. If a poster feels the need to flounce just flounce and stay flounced.
The “traditional” internet way is to return a few weeks later under a new ID with an altered posting style and remembering not to post the anecdote your previous ID did.

I think you’re a good poster btw. Never noticed your previous negativity or disagreements with anyone prior to reading this today. You should stay. Dying on sarcastically exaggerated hills isn’t a good look though. If it was me I’d put it down to the drink and a bad day....though it may be too late.

Im flouncing from this thread and won’t be back.

Golden forum rule number One: What happens on a thread stays on a thread.
This would be the best " Flounce " I have seen here:)
That's it. After seeing so much negativity I stewed my fish alive.

@itiwhetu what exactly was the point in this thread anyway? It seems as though everyone here has read this in the same provocative way and that you log in to intentionally cause a stir. If so, why? I don't want to make assumptions and I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you're hurt that people haven't been receptive to your methods, mostly because there is a rule of thumb followed here as to not confuse the beginner hobbiests, but you're doing the same thing to everyone else. I've seen you give good advice and be helpful to people here so I don't get why you have these bursts of argumentative behaviour and then play the victim when you offend other members. Nobody here wants to argue with you, maybe be more mindful of how your comments can look to others in plain text.

I'd like to think that the root problem of all of this was from a simple misunderstanding that wasn't nipped in the bud and we can all continue harmoniously here
A great wizard once said "Like all things in life, this too shall pass." And then like 10 min. later he looked at a Balrog and said "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Food for thought for any side of the table - sometimes you do not pass go, but you collect $200 anyway.

There's a balance between contradicting ideas, advice, and debates where we all get along anyway and knowledge moves forward. It's the true definition of active research - evolving ideas and discussion which lead to new thoughts. =\
@itiwhetu has toned down his rhetoric since we conversed via PM. Let's just move on from here. There are lots of other ongoing topics on our forum to contribute to.
@itiwhetu has toned down his rhetoric since we conversed via PM. Let's just move on from here. There are lots of other ongoing topics on our forum to contribute to.
Thank you, I just want to be able to contribute, I am new to this site, I have learnt a lot, I am being careful. I hope I can help some members out. I just wish we can move on.

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