Video Thai Silk Flowerhorn Eating Video!

aww they are so cute at that size. Lovely thai silk.

Mine is a phsyco lol I cant put my hand in the tank when he is in there because he bites my hands. I have to put him into my spare 40 gallon tank just so i can clean his 125 gallon. He eats those frozen cubes whole now lol hes currently 6 1/2 inches and getting very stocky.
i was kinda worried about mine's belly being too full but hes pooping and what not, super active and eating normally so i think hes just healthy, im just not use to seeing a chunky little fish.  im thinking hes between 3-4 inches? i got him for christmas and he was about 2 inches, so thats about normal for their growth rate.... i think that is why ive noticed his behavior more and more, he is starting to slightly  get to "that age".  
earlier he was digging and shaking around in the sand.. i hope thats normal psycho flowerhorn behavior
and by psycho i really do think there is something mentally wrong with them because a fish shouldnt feel that threatened! especially being man made, in theory it shouldnt really have any instinctual predators :?
Well i had mine at an inch or so in length back in either july or august of last year and its now around 6 1/2 inches in length but once it hit around the 6 inch mark it stopped growing as much in length and really started to put on the mass.... getting deeper in the body and wider..

What your seeing is normal flowerhorn behaviour as he/she is getting closer to the size/age of maturity. Take my word for it, this will get worse lol but even so i love my flowerhorn and even though i cant have him with any other fish even in my 450 litre, i wouldnt have it any other way. They have so much personality and are so fun watch. Mine usually moves the sand from one part of the tank leaving the bottom completely bare. He can then see his own reflection in the glass and he thinks its another flowerhorn/fish in the tank so he attacks it and shakes his whole body at it as a sign to show hes boss lol

Doesnt seem to be anything wrong with your flowerhorn. Perfectly normal behaviour for them. They will surely have predictors but none i would of thought for general aquarium keeping. None i can think of anyway. There are other cichlids out there that are as aggressive or even more aggressive... like the wolf cichlid (parachromis dovii) but they generally despise everything. Mine was crazy. Wasnt as aggressive as my flowerhorn but thats only because it hadnt hit maturity.
ahh! yes, perfect way to describe the relationship of owner/flowerhorn.
i have mine in a tank beside my tv/my usually sitting spot with my lap top.. i LOVE the way he swims.. all over the tank with no general pattern.. 
and he does get himself worked up over his reflection as well lol! ill probally pull my pleco out in another month, ive already noticing him swimming oddly around the plceo, slapping him occasionally with his tail.
and in the tank, im not sure if the video really shows it well, i have "trees" of large piece of mopani wood wrapped and tied with hornwort, with lily bulbs and  bananaplants growing to the top.
in between two of the "trees" the past 2 days he has decided to make a cave, has dug out nearly all the sand and sits in there at night when the lights are off, its really really cute. 
my lilly bulbs are holding up great against him so far, sometimes i think he gets mad at them and tries to push them around, also pushing on the rocks(lol so dumb) but can't budge anything. 
tomorrow ill probably wake up to the whole tank uprooted. xD
Haha yeah its sounds exactly like mine. And yes dont be surprised when you have an uprooted tank... I think mine did it purely because he knew the tank was how i wanted it at the time lol

Not sure if your flowerhorn does this but mine swims in loops every now and again... as though he is doing somersaults lol its nothing at all to worry about. I read up on it when mine starred doing it. Its just their way of getting their owners attention. As soon as i walk up to his tank he stops doing it and waits for food. I give him a few cichlid pellets and he swims normally again lol hes like a child
yes!!!!it is like somersaults lolol. this is perfect.

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