The Australian one wouldnt work either. Not enough people in a localised area. One in every state? That means id be a loner.
I think one of the real issues is the majority of this boards members are too young. They cant travel, and when they make plans, they arnt too mature/sensible about it (Ie. the excuses Arfie mentioned).
Also, being a world forum, members are too spred out to be much use. Perhaps if you just tried to organise your own one Gankutsuou, and gauge from that the success. I remember The_Wolf tried to organise one for UK members, and you guys are ALOT more localised than any of us from other countries. Maybe drop him a PM and see what his opinions are.
Also, what is a suitable venue for a 15 year old? They dont wanna sit in an amputheatre and listen to various lectures on topics which have nothing to do with them, nor can they go into bars/clubs, and the adults/mature aged members dont want to be baby sitting a bunch of children, when they are there for a TFF meeting.
If you want meets, join a local club/society. I have, and there are events, meetings, prizes, and shop crawls (bring on next week!
But, as a member of this board, and others, organising such events need ALOT of effort, but the global reach of this board, and the age of our members seem to hold things back.