Tff Fish Index Entries Used On Other Sites?

I hate the way hosting websites, make the process so bureaucratic that if you wish to file a complaint you have to put a lot of time and energy into the process. If someone is willing to take this up with blogger, please contact me and I will give you my authority as site owner. It is my understanding that items posted on this site are the copyright of both the original author and also

That can easily be got around with the help of the keyboard and a few ctrl and other buttons etc etc
allthough i can quite happily give u the html for the anti right click option if u wish.

I run two adult sites etc and you cannot stop somone from stealing the info.

Just add this into the html of each page and bobs your uncle
To stop photos text being copied

<script language="JavaScript">
// <!-- var popup="Sorry, right-click
is disabled.\n\nThis Site Copyright ©2000"; function noway(go) { if
(document.all) { if (event.button == 2) { alert(popup); return false; } } if (document.layers)
{ if (go.which == 3) { alert(popup); return false; } } } if (document.layers)
{ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); } document.onmousedown=noway; // -->

To stop them viewing source

&lt;script language="JavaScript1.1">
<!-- var debug = true; function
right(e) { if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' && (e.which == 3 || e.which
== 2)) return false; else if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'
&& (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3)) { alert('This Page is fully
protected!'); return false; } return true; } document.onmousedown=right; if (document.layers)
window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); window.onmousedown=right; //--></script>
I have seen that sort of html used before and found it annoying when I was trying to give an example to someone in chat when I used intenet explorer on windows. Using FF on linux that text box comes up but so too does the right click window, so it is no panathea.

Tolak, for one thing i am unsure how US copyright laws and processes would apply to someone based in the UK storing information on a UK server. I know for a fact that the US laws would not apply to anything I wrote, so you would have to summon me to a US Federal Court after first issuing a cease-and-desist letter. Does US law apply to someone who is not there, nor has ever been there?

Even if the US law is enforcable in the UK then you can come unstuck with the "fair use" exemption. If you had no plans to sell your comments in a book (pretty hard to prove) and the person using it is not making money then there is little chance of a decent win $200 max if I understand correctly). I do not know case law, but i doubt you would be able to get a large enough return to cover your legal fees.

Obviously the splogger in the OP cannot claim fair use, but it shows that the internet is a pain for jurisdiction purposes as how can one truly state in what place a crime or tort is committed?

And considering how easy it is to hide your IP address, how would you even know who to sue?
That site does seem to be US based, so US copyright law would apply. TFF is based out of the UK. I imagine UK copyright law would apply.

Across national boundries is a tough call with the internet, I'm sure international copyright law would apply. If not, I could take any book written outside of the US, publish it as my own, and not have to worry. You could do the same with anything written outside of the UK. From what I understand internet copyright is the same as a hard copy, just a different format.

Ip addys are an easy find once you enter the world of law. It's commonly known that anyone can sue for just about anything. Folks have been known to spend in excess of what they may get back just for the moral victory.
It's commonly known that anyone can sue for just about anything. Folks have been known to spend in excess of what they may get back just for the moral victory.

And thats the shame about this world this day, we know live in a where theres blaim theres a claim society and that makes me sick to the stomach. :angry:

Next people will be sueing each other for a funny look! :crazy:

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