Flushing Fish - The Truth

frapadoodle said:
Having done work around both sewage treatment plants,or perfume factories, as l have called them. And yards where a septic system has backed up, I can attest to how much worse septic is.
I worked in a warehouse with a sewage treatment plant on one side and a hot dog plant on the other...  Not sure which direction of wind was worse.
eaglesaquarium said:
Having done work around both sewage treatment plants,or perfume factories, as l have called them. And yards where a septic system has backed up, I can attest to how much worse septic is.
I worked in a warehouse with a sewage treatment plant on one side and a hot dog plant on the other...  Not sure which direction of wind was worse.
Wow! Vicks vap-o-rub on the upper lip.
eaglesaquarium said:
Having done work around both sewage treatment plants,or perfume factories, as l have called them. And yards where a septic system has backed up, I can attest to how much worse septic is.
I worked in a warehouse with a sewage treatment plant on one side and a hot dog plant on the other...  Not sure which direction of wind was worse.
That has to be the funniest thing I have read all week.
The sad part is when you get used to the smell you can no longer detect it.  I remember the fun days of having to crawl in the digesters to perform maintenance.  Even with Tyvec suits and hip waders, I was always covered in filth.  2 or 3 days later, my wife would still be complaining I smelled.  Glad I got out of that job!

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