Tetratec1200, Flow And Circulation


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Redcar UK
Hi guys

i have a external filter, tetratec1200, i currently have the 3 spray bars(3 peices joined together) along the back of tank, 2 are aiming down slightly the 3rd up creating ripples on the water. I have recently suffered from BBA and are treating this. I have notice the circulation around the tank is not that great anymore,not much poo movement lol and i think this can contribute to the BBA

i spoke to me local fish shop and he suggested i do not need a wave maker or power head to increase the flow but the spray bars should be enough in my tank. Anyone any suggestions and where the sprays should be pointed. Do they create more circulation if all 3 break the surface?

My tank is 180 lts

thank you
I had the same issue with the same filter, just in a 280L instead of your 180L. I decided to use just one piece of the spray bar instead of having it three long. I also positioned it on the side of the tank aiming across the entire length. I had the inlet and outlet coming into the same side, with the spray bar aimed out across the top of the water. This created both a nice ripple and i noticed a distinct current rolling across the tank and back towards the inlet strainer. Also, having it shorter there was a distinct power increase for the water coming out, as you'd expect. Perhaps try something similar in your set-up. Probably worthwhile, as it'll save you some cash, instead of buying a powerhead which you may not need.

And for the record, BBA is the result of poor or fluctuating levels of CO2 in your tank. you don't need to have a planted tank to have CO2 in your tank, and it only takes water changes/evaporation and other such issues to create fluctuating levels. As for stopping this, the only option i'm aware of is to maintain regular levels of CO2, and if your not into your planted aspect of fish keeping this can be daunting, costly and a bit fiddly. You can try plants such as Elodea/Egeria Densa, which releases a substance which is supposed to prevent algae in general. Also, ROWAphos is a product you have in a small sack/satchel in your filter which is a prevention of algae (to an extent). Good honest weekly tank maintenance is your best bet with algae :)

Hi guys

i have a external filter, tetratec1200, i currently have the 3 spray bars(3 peices joined together) along the back of tank, 2 are aiming down slightly the 3rd up creating ripples on the water. I have recently suffered from BBA and are treating this. I have notice the circulation around the tank is not that great anymore,not much poo movement lol and i think this can contribute to the BBA

i spoke to me local fish shop and he suggested i do not need a wave maker or power head to increase the flow but the spray bars should be enough in my tank. Anyone any suggestions and where the sprays should be pointed. Do they create more circulation if all 3 break the surface?

My tank is 180 lts

thank you

Thank you excellent advice, i think i will try to repostion. I always thought inlet and out let should be opposite ends, be no reason for this thanks
Generally having them at opposite ends of the tank is better, as you get more of a flow around the entire tank with less dead spots, where gunk and left overs accumalate over time. However, if flow is an issue then you re-adjust. More reason to re-adjust with something as powerfull as a TetraTec Ex1200 on a 180L haha :)
i'll got for the one spray bar at the far end just breaking the surface to start with before i move the inlet and outlet to the same end. Hopefully that will sort it out
I have both of the outlets at one end in my tank for cosmetic reasons. Due to my tank being viewed from 3 sides.

I have the spraybar but that is just to take the flow outlet past my hydrocortyle, it then feeds the tank just near enough to the surface for good movement.

The filter inlet is below the outlet just above the sand. All the plants/grass have a subtle movement to them, some of the taller ones more so but there is waterflow across the entire tank.
i have sent my tank up with both intake and outlet at one end, looks better abyway that way. I am using one spray bar pointing across the surface just braking. Is it ok to turn down the outlet tap and keep the inlet tap wide open? will it damage anything does anyone know?

right, ran tank with the one spray bar at same end as intake but there was such a build up of crud it looked terrible. Have now moved spray bar to far end but it just doesnt seem powerfull enough to move the rubbish the full lengh of the tank to be sucked up. Also the intake is very poor, debris can pass within mm of the cage and nit be sucked up. Is there something wrong?

Would a powerhead or wave maker help
You have said 180L for tank size, what size is the tank physically.

My 5foot tank has only the tec 12 nothing else and clears the tank effectively. Everything in the tank will affect the flow, also pull the stopper from the end of the spraybar, it does nothing but choke the flow. Use the spraybar to direct the flow up the middle of the tank high enough to ripple the water.

Law of physics, life and everything, take something away something will replace it. The pathetic amount of water through the spraybar will equal a pathetic amount of water up the inlet.
surley removing the stopper will only cause no water to flow through the spray bar at all and cause no circulation?

The tank lengh is 101 x 41 x 50 cm

removed end cap but as i thought there is no spray now, its all just passing through the open end
plus the pressure is really poor, and cant see how there will be much circulation without a decent current.

I have the cap of and turned the bar round to face teh middle of the tank.
the only problem i seem to be getting with my tetratec is that sand near the front of the tank is almost down to the glass bottom,must be the flow from the spraybars moving it,i maybe try the one spraybar at the side of the tank
surley removing the stopper will only cause no water to flow through the spray bar at all and cause no circulation?

The tank lengh is 101 x 41 x 50 cm

removed end cap but as i thought there is no spray now, its all just passing through the open end

The spraybar is for OUR benefit cos it looks pretty, unless your keeping butterfly loaches or something along those lines the spraybar is pointless.

I have never used the spraybar except as i mentioned earlier, the volume of water coming from the end of the pipe rippling the surface is ample for the fish and plants. If your really bothered if you position the spraybar with both sections in place but the last piece holes pointing pointing upwards without the blank in place then the flow of water will draw air and oxygenate it.

There is also sufficient flow to keep the majority of the poo off the bottom. It doesent shift it all but i don't expect it to.
I dont use the spraybar at all on my tetratec ex1200. like cynic said its only to create a nice rippling effect for us to see, Iv just got a 90/elbow aimed at a slight angle towards the back of the tank, this creates a perfect flow of water and plenty of ripples on the surface to provide oxygen in my 180litre juwel, my inlet is at the opposie end of the tank, oh and the water is crystal clear aswell :shifty:
I dont use the spraybar at all on my tetratec ex1200. like cynic said its only to create a nice rippling effect for us to see, Iv just got a 90/elbow aimed at a slight angle towards the back of the tank, this creates a perfect flow of water and plenty of ripples on the surface to provide oxygen in my 180litre juwel, my inlet is at the opposie end of the tank, oh and the water is crystal clear aswell :shifty:

would it be possible to take a picture or video of this?

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