Question and my journey from a new comer

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Ok well figured I would post and update.

I decided to go with the Aquael Ultramax 2000. With my limited testing when full of media it looks to be pushing right at 350gph or around 1350lph. A little shy of the 375 gph I was shooting for, but should be more than fine.

I ended up cutting the fat medium and high density foam in half so they could both fit in the same tray instead of taking up 2 trays for a setup that has 2 prefilters (one in the aquael and the eheim one I have on at the intake). I had all of that ehiem round substrate in my old canister so I moved over most of it (about half a tray) and added the stuff that came with the aquael to it for a full tray... I then added a gallon bucket about 5lbs of the Seachem Matrix to the remaining two trays. So I my tray setup is :

Seachem Matrix
Seachem Matrix
Mixed substrate
medium and dense foam

anyways still haven't finished the cycling process, but once that is complete I plan to finish stocking my tank with the follow type and number of fish

8 - Glofish Tetra
8 - Glofish Danio
8 - Glofish Barb
1 (or 2) - Glofish Sharks

By my math this will bring me in 10+" shy of the recommended 1" per gallon threshold.

Oh I am also planning to grab a some of the moss balls (6-10) for the little bit of help they bring with controlling nitrate (even if a miniscule amount)

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