Tetratec Ex 700 Or Eheim 2213

And that's what everyone says but I just can't justify their extra cost once you realise you then have the added annoyance of having to decipher which filter media you need and of course the additional cost of the media to the filter.
yes they're good, but are they really THAT good?
They really are that good, they're what I run on freestanding tanks. If something else were better I would sell the Eheims & run something else. I abuse the snot out of equipment in my breeding setup, these filters are like the energizer bunny.

As LL stated, don't waste your money on the ECCO's. I have a 2232 that would plug regularly on a normally stocked 20 gallon. I pulled it out of service a while back, and pack it with floss for quick cleans on breeding tanks.
I guess it really comes down to what I want the filter to do, and what I want it to do is ensure I don't have to clean the gravel since I'm using aqua-soil, also to turn over the water a minimum of 3-4 times as is recommended for hi-tech planted tanks.
So, really it should be Eheim 2215 vs tetratec ex700, and everywhere people say that eheims quoted flow rates are way out but no idea as to how much out and for a matter I can't really trust tetra's since its probably without filter media.
its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

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