Tetratec Ex 700 Or Eheim 2213


Fish Addict
Jul 10, 2007
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which would be the better bet both quality, longevity and function wise for me?
I originally intended to get the Eheim which costs more but would the higher flow rate (and lower cost) of the tetra be more beneficial?
I would say 'you get what you pay for'. If you can afford it, Eheim every time.
See I thought that too but alot of people use them and love them surely they can not be that bad?
I'm not saying they are bad at all. I've heard lots of good reviews. I just think there is a reason that the Eheim is more expensive. Thats all. Surely Eheim would go out of business if their filters were more expensive but not any better? (I know thats a bit extreme, it's just an example to get my point across).
true, hmm filter picking is hard
Shop around, i did up a second hand 2213 that was only £20 :)
Running an EX700 on my rio 180 and had no problems at all. Nice design, works well.

The eheim classic is just a bit dated looking in my opinion. But then, its a tried and tested design...

Edit: The EX700 might be a bit excessive for an 11 gal. Maybe the EX600?
the tetra tec is a great filter. its arguable performing as good as a ehiem from the budget range. i mean int erms of quality of water it is great and also the reviews from people and even my friend is that it is perfect.

obviously the people who say ehiem all the way are the ones who have ehiems. its like saying mercedes or bmw, and they own a merc so will say merc ofcourse :)

also to a point someone made about price. ehiem is a more expensive brand anyway. so you cant say that because ehiem is more expensive but only performed as good as a tetra and that no one would buy it. people are buying ehiem because of the reputation it has. also from people who own eheiems. ehiem has been established for years and thus everyone who has one will recommend it. where a s tetra tec is new. yet to have its costumer base yet it seems to have better reviews than fluval.
Tetratec it is!
regarding devuk's comment about it being overpowered, I was under the impression the more waterflow the better in a planted tank. correct me if i'm wrong.
Tetratec it is!
regarding devuk's comment about it being overpowered, I was under the impression the more waterflow the better in a planted tank. correct me if i'm wrong.

I'm sure thats the case, which makes me wish I had the EX1200 on my 47 gal (maybe an Xmas pressie to self? ;)) but it might still be overkill.

The EX600 is rated at 600 litres per hour, the EX700 at 700 litres per hour. In a normal situation you want 4x the amount of litres in your tank to go through your filter in an hour minimum. You have about 41 litres, so this figure should be in excess of 160/170 litres per hour, so the EX600 would be plenty by far, and I think would take into account the planted side of things.

This being said, if you can afford the EX700 you won't regret it :) No such thing as over filtering ;) You'll be future proofing yourself up to about a 250 litre aquarium at least! The EX600 and 700 use the same size tubing (13mm I think) so would probably have the same spray bar too. Also they take the same size filter pads I believe. Check out Zooplus.co.uk for a good deal. £4 off first order and free delivery over £29. Not always in stock though (it says on website). They're a german company so you get a euro style plug. I got mine from here and had no problems. Delivery was about 3 days from Germany by DHL I think.
Yeah I factored that and it works out at like £40 for the filter which is a weeks wages if I don't eat at college, 2 if I do so really it shouldn't be that bad on the wallet. I think your right about the future-proofing too always a clever idea.
Also I didn't realise turnover was so great, would that effect co2 levels or anything? surely such a massive turnover would all but guaranty perfect water quality?
can't remember if I asked but is the sound of the tetratecs noticeable? it will be going in my room and a noisy filter will just be a nuisance.
I love TetraTecs, I have one Ex600, one Ex700 and I've just ordered a Ex1200, they're very quite, self priming, include very good media, have adjustable flow rates and a large capacity.
Once I arrived at Eheim, I never looked back. (Not the ECCO range though!).

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