

New Member
Jun 27, 2006
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whats the hardiest tetra. i would apppreciate a table listing in order of harddyness of tetras.
whats the hardiest tetra. i would apppreciate a table listing in order of harddyness of tetras.

I think Pristella tetras are amogst the hardiest.. but you're kinda scaring me with your question.
What do you plan on doing with/to them?
nothing bad, just interested. what about rummy nose
I think rummy nose can be quite sensitive, hardier species include your bog standard neons/cardinals and also black skirts are ment to be quite tough.
IME Black phantom tetras are the hardiest. They've survived a cycle, a week long heater malfunction, and bad water quality due to baby platies! But it's JME.
Black widow aka black skirt are very hardy (mine are 3 years old). Also flame tetras. Neons/cardinals are not so hardy and my aquarium shop said I am lucky if they survive more than a year. They also recommended Serpae tetra, although I ahae lost 3 of the original 5 in a 2 year period.
Rummy nose tetras vary as there are several seperate species that the hobby collectively call rummy nose, some are easier than others but none would come under the hardy bracket.
Pick a fish you like and take good care of it and dont worry about how well the species is supposed to perform. So long as you feed them right, and give them the conditions they require to thrive they will be happy little healthy buggers.
Definitely black widows, mine have been in a new tank, gotten mouthrot, finrot and ich, and not one has died from it. They're thriving to this day. :)
IME Black phantom tetras are the hardiest. They've survived a cycle, a week long heater malfunction, and bad water quality due to baby platies! But it's JME.
Totally off topic here but these abbreviations are puzzling me. I see them often. Someone please shed some light on this for me. What is IME and JME?
Why you guy's don't just use words to their full is beyond me. Generations to come will be speaking in abbreviations!

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