

Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
western australia
I wish to have a tetra only tank and would like it if any1 has any sugestions of wat tetras r good and is it ok just tetras r do they need another species of fish
a just tetra tank if fine. :good: they usually lie to go around in groups of 5-6 or more. how large is your tank?
Its about 60tlrs so its alright sizebut not for sure caase its not built yet im kinda going to just get a tank size depending on wat i need but at the moment its only going to be 60 ltrs
how many species of tetra you looking for ?? or are you going for just one sort?

Cardinals and neons seem to be the faves for a lot of people because of their showy colours. Personally im not so keen but your LPS it sure to have some. Every tetra should be kept in a large school and some will school with others. But really to keep it basic you have enough space for 2 schools.
Why not get 5-6 cardinals and 6 neons? A bit samey (as they both show almost the same colours) but also nice and showy.

oh and nice going on the move whoever moved it... they dont normally get spotted this fast!
neons are not for a new tank they need a mature tank.

but after the tank is mature i'd say put in 8 cardinals and 8 rummy nose (my 2 fav tetras). i don't see any point in having neons and cardinals you may aswel go for a tank of just the one or the other and have a large shoal.

neons are not for a new tank they need a mature tank.

but after the tank is mature i'd say put in 8 cardinals and 8 rummy nose (my 2 fav tetras). i don't see any point in having neons and cardinals you may aswel go for a tank of just the one or the other and have a large shoal.


Yeh i advised some zebra danios to mature the tank yesterday. but... that will take up the space.

Heres an idea... You can get different colours of neon tetra. they usually school together so you could mix and match if you know what i mean.
you can get normal, black, green and diamond neons. so yeah you can mix and match as they all shoal together.

(also i don't know much about diamond neons they look the same as normal one's to me in the lfs ??? just they were labelled different to the other in there.)

but still it's going to be 6 months of having the tank set-up before they can go in.

We have a tetra tank in our bedroom with cardinals, gold neons, diamond tetras, white skirt tetras and black widow tetras....and a few corries.
i don't think they could get away with all those fish though in a tank of 60 litres. / 15g us.

I've never had any issues with neons and cycling tanks, in fact i cycled my current tank with neons and had no problems. It wasn't until just a few days ago reading about them that i really heard about them being very sensitive. I'd always thoguht of them as rather hardy, in fact. :blink:

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