Tetra With Lump......tumour?

Mr Bee

Fish Fanatic
Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
In the last couple of days I've noticed one of my neon tetra's has developed a lup on his head, like some sort of tumour or something :sad:

The set up:-

60L tank, well established for 2 years, with 7 tetra's that have been in there together for around 6 months, no other fish.
Regular 20 - 25% water change (and yes I use declor)
Tested water today and results are - GH & KH = 180 ; pH = 8.5 ; NO2 = zero ; NO3 = 20 ; Ammonia = zero

Pictures Sorry, a bit blurry, but they just will not keep still!




And even a couple of videos! You can see the lump a bit clearer in the videos than in the pictures.

The fish otherwise seems fine, acting normally, schooling and eating just as normal, but it's just a slighlty worrying sight to see that big lump on his head. Can anyone please help or have any idea what this could be??
It looks a bit like a wound of some sort.
Kinda hard to see.

- Genesis
So nobody got any ideas then??

Would clearer pictures help??

Well, it seems more likely to me that it could be some sort of growth now........ The lump is a bit bigger, and the fish is swimming quite sideways now, with not very good co-ordination and control of direction. Swam itself into a corner and struggled to turn round and come out again :unsure:

One of its side fins (near the front; is it pectoral fin?) is also moving like mad!
What colour is the lump hard to tell in pic and video.
Is the bump hard or like filled with fluid.
Sounds like he has a secondary infection, wondering if the lump has infected the brain with loosing balance and direction.
The lump is kind of dark coloured, looks to be just the same blue (or maybe a bit darker) as the colour of the top half of his body, just the normal skin (or scale!) colour.

As for being hard or filled with fluid, I don't know how I could tell, there's no way I can handle the fish to feel it.

I'll try to put some better picyures up if I can get any clearer ones. Its worrying that the fish is not eating at all, and probably has not had any food in about 4 or 5 days now.
Is his swimming any better and direction.
If you can issolate him try a bacterial med on the lump, but if the infection gone to the brain not good.
OK, went to check on him this morning and couldn't find him. After 5 mins searching in the tank decoration, I found his little body in one of the plants, he was dead and lost all his blue colour.

The lump on his head was quite hard to the touch, felt solid, and had a white bit on it - I took some nice clear photo's to see if anyone might know what it is, and if the others are at risk!!






Does it look like a tumour, or an infection or even could it be some sort of sub-cuteneous parasite?!?!? :crazy:
Or bless him, so sorry.
If it was hard sounds like a tumour and affected the brain.
Looks like some kind of tumour. Bad luck.

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