Tetra Tec Ex 1200

need to sort out an fx5 first, can't get one till weekend so pick up would have to be next week............
sorry mate, i've been busy as of late and haven't had time to pick up the fx5, need to get rid of a few peacock bass and a barramundi before i do so which were supposed to have gone this weekend.
presume it still comes with the pipes, media etc? if so I'll take it deliverd/posted if possible?

Thats if Haych doesnt want it as she? enquired first :)
It works fine, no leaks, I got it half price new when i bought it so selling it for £30 is no great loss.
well you didn't really specify you wanted it in the first place, do you want it?
I didn't want to buy blind - I specified my interest by asking a question!

Is it boxed? And does it still have pipes and media (alot can change in 8 months)?
I don't think i have the box, will have a look though, all media, pipes etc are included other than the ceramic media as this is being used to seed another filter.

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