Tetra NitrateMinus.

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Nov 15, 2023
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I didn't find any place where I would logically could think a review for an additive be posted.

Long story short... My shrimp tank got smashed and I was forced to crash setup another tank and plop everything I could save in a new one...

This tank was running for months without any sign of nitrates, but after the recovery they kept creeping up non stop to critical levels and was forced to do daily water changes non stop.

After a week of water changes and my nitrates always climbing, and did a little research, I decided that I would have nothing to lose trying NitrateMinus... It states that it naturally deals with nitrates in an perfectly safe manner, for all aquarium inhabitants.. The description says to dose the tank once a week for up to 3 weeks, to establish the bacteria colony.

I understand that these bacteria needs a very low water current and as minimal oxygen level possible in their mix... I knew I had the bottom of a bag of Biohome Ultimate left somewhere.
When I finally found it, I took the dose for my tank size mixed it with water (this stuff is thick) I then wrapped the biohome with coated wire and soaked the it dry in there, so they can catch as much as possible, then installed it in the left compartment of my Aquaclear, where the water input pipe is, there is always very slow water movement there. And poured the rest of the mix in the tank.

5 days later at my second test, nitrates are nil... Completely nil.

This is going to save my RO/DI unit and a lots of minerals.

While all of this can be "luck" and unknowingly good timing... I'm still incline to say that it really does what it says. My only point of reference is that nitrate was always climbing until that.

Also for some reason the plants seems to have picked up their pace. If it's a placebo effect... It's really good.
Small update as of today,

I fed the tank normally everyday since op. All tests are reporting 0 ,ammonia, nitrite, nitrate.

This is marvelous. The only thing that changed a little is the KH in the tank has slightly risen.

There is an anubia nana that was stagnating for months in there that is suddenly breaking record growth. Little patches of BBA recurred on the tips of some java fern after months at bay, I promptly pruned the affected area. And lowered the light intensity. It seems like the nutrients uptake by the plants is changing, maybe they are acclimating to the new water chemistry since I switched to full RO/DI a while ago.

But as far as nitrate is going, the results are amazing. Nearly too good to be true.
What are the ingredients in Tetra Nitrate Minus? Bacteria or resin or chemicals?
The exact ingredients of the granulate contained in the gel are not publicly disclosed by Tetra.

However, they claim it to contain denitrifying bacteria that feed on nitrate and break it down biologically. The granulate are distributed in the aquarium and slowly sinks to the bottom.

The product works by also adding nutrients promoting the growth of these bacteria that consume nitrate. They convert it into nitrogen gas, which is released into the atmosphere.

Tetra states the product is 100% natural and free of any nitrate bonding agent.
Another Week done, no water changes, 0 nitrate.

No changes in conductivity.

It's gazing off 👍
I bought a bottle from Amazon. I have not used it yet. It’s a bit pricey. Do you dose weekly?
I bought a bottle from Amazon. I have not used it yet. It’s a bit pricey. Do you dose weekly?

I mixed it with a lots of water before spreading it and targeted especially slow moving water area of the tank and filters.
I didn't find any place where I would logically could think a review for an additive be posted.

Long story short... My shrimp tank got smashed and I was forced to crash setup another tank and plop everything I could save in a new one...

This tank was running for months without any sign of nitrates, but after the recovery they kept creeping up non stop to critical levels and was forced to do daily water changes non stop.

After a week of water changes and my nitrates always climbing, and did a little research, I decided that I would have nothing to lose trying NitrateMinus... It states that it naturally deals with nitrates in an perfectly safe manner, for all aquarium inhabitants.. The description says to dose the tank once a week for up to 3 weeks, to establish the bacteria colony.

I understand that these bacteria needs a very low water current and as minimal oxygen level possible in their mix... I knew I had the bottom of a bag of Biohome Ultimate left somewhere.
When I finally found it, I took the dose for my tank size mixed it with water (this stuff is thick) I then wrapped the biohome with coated wire and soaked the it dry in there, so they can catch as much as possible, then installed it in the left compartment of my Aquaclear, where the water input pipe is, there is always very slow water movement there. And poured the rest of the mix in the tank.

5 days later at my second test, nitrates are nil... Completely nil.

This is going to save my RO/DI unit and a lots of minerals.

While all of this can be "luck" and unknowingly good timing... I'm still incline to say that it really does what it says. My only point of reference is that nitrate was always climbing until that.

Also for some reason the plants seems to have picked up their pace. If it's a placebo effect... It's really good.
I have a shrimp tank and have posted here about my nitrate troubles. Part of it is because I have fish in there- specifically black bar endlers- that make bunny rabbits look infertile. I sell as many as I can when we have auctions at the club, so that helps, but I also use API Nitra-zorb. It keeps my nitrates at 5. I've never gotten to 0.

I think I'm going to have to try your stuff. I haven't read the whole thread yet, but hoping that you haven't had any negative effects with it?
I only dosed the tank once.

Tetra replied to me that I should dose the tank a least every 12 months and keep the bottle refrigerated.

What volume did you use and what is your tank size? Thanks.
Just bought a bottle. If it works like it did for you, no more Nitra-zorb for me! Nitra-zorb works pretty well and you can re-use it several times before having to get more, but ONE DOSE per YEAR???? Say no more.

Also, as noted above, I've never gotten to zero. It is great at keeping the nitrate at 5ppm, but I would love to see zero once. :)
To be frank, I fed the tank without too much restricting myself. But still conductivity lowered a little over a week.

But to be technically precise:

In a 5 gallons Cherry "only" shrimp tank I add less than 1/2 even a 1/4 of of a gram of food per week.

For a lot more than a hundred shrimps...

I'm scared to bring them all out now... I try to distribute with the less agitation possible. If a shrimp dies it wont have the time to foul the water for sure.

I still forcibly bring them out on regular basis to have a "general" closer look on their digestive tracks... And ajust feeding accordingly.

But still before I use Minus I was feeding an overall less and nitrate where up 5 ppm a day.

As far as I can trow a grand piano. It works !!!
What volume did you use and what is your tank size? Thanks.

I used what I needed to dose a whole 5 gallons, from the btl instruction, diluted it with tank water because it's quite thick and distributed with a pipette in areas that are mostly obvious to colonization and dropped the rest in the filter output.

IF you have fish in your tank let me hear your impressions. While it really seems to be going... It's still a shrimp only tank and the real nitrate production is still a lot lower than with fish breathing in.
Just bought a bottle. If it works like it did for you, no more Nitra-zorb for me! Nitra-zorb works pretty well and you can re-use it several times before having to get more, but ONE DOSE per YEAR???? Say no more.

Also, as noted above, I've never gotten to zero. It is great at keeping the nitrate at 5ppm, but I would love to see zero once. :)

BTW how is are the shwimps doing ?
BTW how is are the shwimps doing ?
Shrimp are doing great! Since I got the nitrates down, they have really settled in and multiplied. I use Aquavitro Shrimp GH every time I change the water and check it to make sure the GH is 8-9. No problems since then.

BTW I added the Tetra NitrateMinus to the tank. I did kind of what you did- I found some ceramic bio-media and put it and the solution into a little container with aquarium water- then dumped the whole thing into the intake chamber of my filter (it's a built in on the back of my Fluval Flex).

Checked again today and so far the nitrates are holding at 5ppm- I can't seem to get it below that LOL. The stuff says it can take up to 2 weeks, though, and I didn't have all that much to begin with, so maybe it'll take awhile longer. I'll keep you posted on progress.

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