Tetra Easy Balance any good?


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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Product info:

Refreshing aquarium water is an essential part of good fishkeeping, and is necessary in order to keep your fish healthy. Traditionally, the only way to do this was through time-consuming regular partial water changes. Now this is no longer necessary, as EasyBalance can replace the refreshing action of a water change. By using EasyBalance, you can reduce the frequency of water changes, to a minimum of once every 6 months. By reducing the number of stressful water changes, and adding essential elements to the aquarium, EasyBalance also helps to maintain improved fish condition. In addition, EasyBalance contains elements for encouraging healthy plant growth, and it actively reduces nitrate and phosphates, thus helping to control algae.

How to use:

Add EasyBalance to the aquarium at a rate of 2.5ml per 10litres (2 gallons) every week, to replace regular water changes. Perform a proper water change, using tap water conditioned with AquaSafe, at least once every 6 months. When using EasyBalance, ensure that the aquarium is properly aerated. EasyBalance is only suitable for use in mature tanks, with a fully functioning filter. It is still important to keep the gravel clean while using EasyBalance, through occassional siphoning with a TetraTec HydroClean gravel siphon.

Product found here:


Sounds good but am a bit leery...
I use this but I still change my water every week. My tap pH has a tendancy to swing wildly and it claims to minimise this so i use it.

I just bought a HUGE replacement bottle and after it was too late i noticed that I had the old formula that does not reduce nitrates. since then my nitrate has increased somewhat but I also think this has something to do with stuff going on at the water source.

It doesnt seem to hurt my tanks but I would NEVER NEVER go more than a week or two without doing a water change!!
I'm just thinking of all the junk that gets down in the gravel. I guess it would be ok if it really does work to keep nitrates down, but I like to have clean gravel anyway. A lot of junk rotting in the gravel can add to the nitrate level. Or maybe I'm just paranoid :unsure: . As everyone says, there is no replacement for good old fashioned water changes and gravel vacs.

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