Testing Skimmer

Haha I wanted to make it look like I had loads of posts so I spam everyone with my rambings ;)

I can't even use the skimmer to test it in the salt water atm as I have no where to put it, contemplating selling it and buying another one. It would work if in the sump!

Im worried about it going all mental on me now :/ haha
Can you upload a pic of your crack? (parden the pun! Lol)

Couldnt you smear some CT-1 or other compound onto the outside of the crack?

Is it a crack or a split/hole?
Not sure how big the crack is but i have used super glue in tanks, I got one that was recommended from this forum to repair my canister filter outlet which is submerged in water (obviously I took it out when I repaired it and left it to fry overnight to be on the safe side).

Can't remember the name, I still have it at home so will have a look when I get back.
Im at work and using there comp :unsure: gotta be quick

Heres quick pic from journal of skimmer:


Excuse my dog getting in the way haha! You can see the crack on the right pipe

It goes around the back tho aswell!
Can you upload a pic of your crack? (parden the pun! Lol)

Couldnt you smear some CT-1 or other compound onto the outside of the crack?

Is it a crack or a split/hole?
:rofl: omg that made me laugh so much. tell you what i would try and do, before resorting to buying another unit, get a tube,lets say a bit of hosepipe or similar that is larger than the original and slice it vertically so you can fit it around the damaged section to be sure it will fit, and then take it off and smear the inside with loads of silicone and then put it back and try and tighten it on somehow, give it 24 hours and then check it again. or cut the damaged pipe out completely and put in another one...... but then i'm a cheapskate. you could even take pics of each stage of your successful repair to show others what a genius diy maiden you really are ;)
Don't be so crude!!! lol

I could defo try that, but I think the main problem is the crack runs along the join between the pipe and plastic casing and I tried to silicone but I can't get my fingers round enough! (had to rephrase haha)
I will try and get some pipe at some point, also a better pic later :good:
OK I tried with a better pic but there is so much silicone on there now all you see is a blob and you can't see the crack around the bottom part in a pic or the bit around the back! I need to figure a way to rest my sump on something, got to get my BF to move the stuff next to my tank first tho! *sigh*
Goin by the pic, that looks like an easy fix to me.

There must be some way of replacing the pipe with anything you could find from a diy store.
Like suggested, wouldn't hose pipe fit with a couple of jubilee clips and some silicone.

If the hose pipe fits over then just cut out the damaged section and use some hose and the jubilee clips.

Or better yet, from the pic it looks like the pipe is 20-25mm so you could get some water tight compression couplers with a bit of flexi pipe in between.

Ask your other half! 5 min job! Lol

Or you could always sell it to me for next to nothing then I'll repair it (for next to nothing) and use it on my next upgrade! Lol
Haha my other half is rubbish! He can't do anything! 22 going on 2!!!

It looks nice and simple until you see the crack goes all the way around the back and the gap is to small to fit my fingers in! haha!

Half of what you said makes no sense btw lol! Would I need new hosepipe or can I nab some off my one here? It might stretch over it.

I wouldn't want to remove it completely.

Right Im gunna try for a better pic because Im not sure I explai properly :D
OK rubbish pic alert!
I have circled the problema areas.

Right this one is taken from inbetween the 2 pipes so from the middle looking outwards, you can't see the crack up the back but I have circled where there is a small crack running along the bottom. Please ignore my silicone I was so frustrasted I whacked loads on!

This one is taken from the outside looking inwards and the crack is circled and you can just see it, the issue is there must be not even half a cm space. It is at the point where both parts are the roundest they could be making it awkward!


Not that it helps a lot :D

I might just sell up!
weez if you sell that in that condition you are gonna lose money, read my last reply, it's an easy repair, send it to me with a piece of live rock and return postage and i'll fix it for you :hey:

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