Testing Salinity


Fish Fanatic
Sep 1, 2008
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Can anyone recommend a good hydrometer? I use the plastic ones, and have read that they can be inaccurate. I have heard that glass ones are good however. Or should I just buy a refractometer? If so, can anyone recommend a decent one?
Unless you are going to spend a lot of money on them both hydrometers and refractometers can be inaccurate. However most of them are reasonably close and as long as what you are using is consistant you will be ok.

Personally I use a refractometer just because I find it easier and quicker to use. Mines just a cheap £30 D&D one.
Thanks guys. I think I'll buy a refractometer (one for around $80 or so - that's about £40 on the other side of the pond).
An $80 refractometer will be a very good one indeed. Perhaps you're considering a Milwaukee brand? Regardless of the device you choose to measure salinity, make sure you verify and calibrate it yourself :)
I bought mine off ebay for $35 w/shipping. I took it in to the lfs and they said it was good. It has Automatic Temp Compensation too.

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