Test Strips


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
i bought the all in one test strips that test everything but amonia. i just did a 25% water change and tested the water after about an hour and these were the results.
nitrate 20
nitrite somewhere between 1.0 and 3.0
total hardness 300
chlorine 0
total alkalinity 120
ph 7.8-8.4 range

what i am worried about is the nitrite is in the stress zone on the comparison chart. i have hard water and the alkalinity is high but i dont really know much about that either. and from my understanding with the chart everything else seems to be ok.

any comments or suggestions?

You would be better off getting a liquid test kit (API Freshwater Master Kit by API for example) as I believe those strips are not exactly accurate.

If your nitrItes are really that high any fish you have in there are in grave danger and will die. Also, you have to test for ammonia too.

What is the status of your tank....do you have fish in there?

You would be better off getting a liquid test kit (API Freshwater Master Kit by API for example) as I believe those strips are not exactly accurate.

If your nitrItes are really that high any fish you have in there are in grave danger and will die. Also, you have to test for ammonia too.

What is the status of your tank....do you have fish in there?

i DO have fish and i dont want them to die. how do i lower the nitrites?? i have about 4 or 5 plants and 14 small fish (tetras, danios, one male betta)
I second the motion for you to purchase a liquid test kit. They are not only more accurate, but cheaper in the long run.

If you have fish you should definitely try to get the nitrite levels down as they are too high. I normally suggest keeping the nitrites below .25 ppm, because nitrites make it difficult for the blood to carry oxygen properly.

Hard/high pH water doesn't really matter for the most part. It may impact the ability for softwater fish to breed, and some people have reported that softwater fish are not quite as colorful in hard water, but it should not affect the overall health and well being of the fish.

Lower the nitrites by doing more water changes. Reduce feeding to an absolute minimum while tank is cycling to help reduce waste production.
Well, not an expert on cycling WITH fish but I would say you need to do DAILY water changes to lower the nitrItes.

In particular, Ammonia and NitrIte levels should/must be zero.

All the fish must be unhappy and I'm very concerned about your Betta :crazy: He is best alone anyway but those are definately not good tank mates for him.

What I would really like to suggest is :hey: re-homing all your stock and do a FISHLESS cycle. Is that possible?
3rd for liquid test kit.
like you said your ph is between 7.4 and 8.4 there is a HUGE diffrence between 7.4 and 8.4. and you NEED an ammonia test.
do 30% water changes daily until you get you nitrites down.
i bought some test strips to save some $ and regret it now, i will be buying a liquid and just using the strips to 'eyeball' the conditions to see if they warrant a true test.
do 50% water change, test, if it is still above .5 do 25-50% water change again in 6 hours or so. Do your best to not let levels rise above .5, lower than .25 would be better.
well today i did a 25%-30% water change, from what i have seen and i watch my fish alot no one has been bothering the betta... but of course if i see that any of the fish are picking at him i will move him.
i read some about nitrite poisoning and none of my fish seem to have any of the problems or symptoms described. they are very active and seem to be breathing normally.
i will continue with the water changes daily and i am going to the store today to get an amonia test kit.
i will limit the feeding to once a day and i already fast them on sundays.
should i continue to test daily for right now?

my betta seems to be pretty happy, he swims around alot, and was building a rather large bubble nest but that was ruined by the water change :/
even when the tetra get near him they act as if he is not even there and the glofish danios which have been 'playing' and chasing the whiteclouds havent bothered him at all.

for the first two weeks i had the tank the betta was the only fish in there. then i added some tetras then just a few days ago the danios. was that too fast?

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