Test Kit Result


Planted Experimentalist
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
I've never been one for testing water in my tank but I bought a kit after setting up the new tanks, I don't know what's acceptable in planted tanks but I got 1.2mg/l of ammonia today??? I know ammonia should be zero so I'll be doing water changes till the substrate stops leeching but what are acceptable levels of nitrate and nitrite in a planted tank being dosed with TPN+ and excel??? My test kit measures in mg/l?
Some folks have reported that dosing TPN+ can give false readings of ammonia.
To be on the safe side maintain good plant health and water change regime.
However this shows how relying on test kits can get you in a pickle. Have you noticed the fish acting differently or ill before? Have you been experiencing diatoms which would indicate ammonia? Chances are, everything has been fine and is fine, but the test kit makes you think differently although you've never noticed a problem before this.
Don't even be concerned with nitrate readings. Would a CO2 injected tank need more than 30ppm of nitrate? No probably not but if it's higher as a result of tap water then dont worry.
mg/l is same as ppm.
Ammonia and nitrite should always be at 0, both can contribute towards illnesses and death of your fish, nitrates vary and generally seem to be between 20-40 in other members taps/tanks. Unless nitrates begin to creep towards the 100 then you should be fine. ;)
Whats that in mg/l tho?

Not sure because my test is ppm, this might help though:
So my 1.2 mg/l of ammonia isn't that bad then, I know it should be zero but I've seem ppl on here with really high readings lol
1.2 mg/l or 1.2 ppm is rather high, but as Radar was saying this may not actually be the case. If you keep on getting ammonia readings after the water change you may want to look into other reasons why your test kit is showing this. What brand is the test kit? It may just be a bit inaccurate.
It's because of the florabase, I'll be doing daily water changes till it stops leeching anyway. :)

No fish in the tank atm it's newly set up.

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