Territorial Electric blue acara


Dec 22, 2019
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Pittsburgh, PA
So I have a 75 gallon tank with....

2 severums
2 blue acaras
2 electric blue acaras
1 synodontis

All the fish are juveniles except the catfish who is almost twice there size.
So I’ve had this issue for a while where one of the EBAs (he is also the biggest of the acaras but not by much) where he would be calm and then all of a sudden start chasing all the other acaras to the corners of the tank. I tried looking online but found nothing to help, and it even said that acaras are usually calm.
Does anyone know what to do?
electric blue acaras and normal blue acaras are the same species of fish, just different colour forms.

You probably have a dominant male that considers the entire tank to be his domain and any other male acaras will be bashed. The behaviour is territorial.
You need more structure in the tank for the weaker fish to stay out of the way. Caves are the best. Terra Cotta pipes.or PVC..or better..make your own caves with PVC,melt "bark lines' into it with a soldering iron...paint with waterproof paints or make caves by covering PVC or terra cotta in glue and putting sands' over it all....youtube has how to's
Next best is driftwood. Rocks? least best as fish can gash themselves on them. Rounded rocks a must for Cichlid tanks.
I agree with @Stan510 about making caves, I would also add some plants to break up the line of site for the fish and give more places to hide in.
I do agree with him being the dominant one, but there are two other male acaras it seems.
As for the structure, there are rock caves and drift wood “caves” and many plants so it breaks the view and has hiding space, but my acaras are almost never at the bottom of the tank. They are usually close to the top or middle swimming, which is when the dominant one turns angry and starts chasing

I could post a picture of the set up?
My Anacharis is over 2 1/2 feet tall, great for breaking up the middle and top areas and grows fast. ;)
My Anacharis is over 2 1/2 feet tall, great for breaking up the middle and top areas and grows fast. ;)
What! That's crazy.
Now that I think about it, I got my ANACHARIS from my friend's pond, and it was that tall, or more, I just plucked the tops. Still, so great you have a tank big enough to grow them so tall!

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