
Air conditioning in my flat involves opening a window!!

I'm not too worried about my lil guys to be honest. I'm sure they'd have to deal with temperature fluctuations in the wild so they can deal with it in the tank! It's not like it will go from 23 to 28 in less than 5 minutes - it'll take a bit of time to rise and they should be able to adjust to that - I may be wrong on that but it's just what common sense is telling me.

Having said that, I will remember to close the blinds this afternoon before the sun moves around even though I'm planning maintenance and a large water change this evening.
why do people feel the need to turn their heaters down? heaters have a thermostat which turns them off when the water is at or above the temperature they are set to!
My tank got to 29C yesterday, so I did a slow water change. Solved the problem nicely.
why do people feel the need to turn their heaters down? heaters have a thermostat which turns them off when the water is at or above the temperature they are set to!

Never understood this either. A heater set to 24degrees will rise the temperature to that and turn off.
I got home from hols last early hours of this morning (daughter was home with instructions on looking after fishies) and had a quick look at them and was shocked to see all fish lethargic and extremely pale in colour and immediately thought of high ammonia then noticed that the temp was up to 30 degrees. I turned the thermostat down and hoped for the best, didnt think about putting a cold bottle of water in there and thought adding cold watwr may shock them also had a text on morning of coming home saying that a pipe had burst upstairs and water was coming through downstairs celing so water had been turned off when i came home!! Anyway, got up early this morning and fish were thankfully all ok spent rest of day changing a faulty water valve and drying living room carpet with a rug doctor!!!!!!
Air conditioning in my flat involves opening a window!!

I'm not too worried about my lil guys to be honest. I'm sure they'd have to deal with temperature fluctuations in the wild so they can deal with it in the tank! It's not like it will go from 23 to 28 in less than 5 minutes - it'll take a bit of time to rise and they should be able to adjust to that - I may be wrong on that but it's just what common sense is telling me.

Having said that, I will remember to close the blinds this afternoon before the sun moves around even though I'm planning maintenance and a large water change this evening.

It's not just the heat of the water that's a danger because the warmer the water, the less dissolved O2 there will be in the water. The cooler the water, the opposite applies hence why I pointed a fan at the surface of my water; not to cool it down, but to create more surface agitation gently without blowing all the fish away with a ruddy great big powerhead :p
Ice Ice Ice grab some ice from your freezer and put it in the top of the tank when it melts add some more!!!!
You're kidding right...? That'd probably increase the risk of temperature shocking your fish which can almost instantly kill them - it's used as a method for euthanasia by many. :crazy:
I'm not kidding if you are trying to lower your water temp by say 3 to 4 C a bottle of cold water in say 60 litres is going to make no differance. Ice placed on the surface will slowly lower the temp and the fish will stay away from it. remember the hottest part of the tank is the surface.
Goldfish struggle in warmer temperatures because of the lower oxygen content in the water. The easiest way to increase the oxygen content is to lower the water temp. ie. ice
my room is really bad where i have 2 windows which are constantly in the sun all day. so my room will normally get to about 30C and stay there which makes it uncomfortable for me and my tank is at about 28 - 29 :( they all seem to be fine although staying nearer the bottom of the tank. i have an aquastyle 620T with the filter on top of the tank which improves oxygen levels i think lol. i think i might do that idea with the ice cubes. do i have to use treated water to make the ice?

I'm not kidding if you are trying to lower your water temp by say 3 to 4 C a bottle of cold water in say 60 litres is going to make no differance. Ice placed on the surface will slowly lower the temp and the fish will stay away from it. remember the hottest part of the tank is the surface.

I would argue with that, I have a 120 litre tank (including displacement) and I took out some water and added two cold 2-litre bottles of water and it lowered the temp of my tank from about 31C to somewhere between 27 and 28 degrees Celsius over the course of about 40minutes. I would not chance putting ice in my tank, not even a little bit. Do you dechlorinate the water that you freeze?

Do i have to use treated water to make the ice?

Yes. :good: I would've thought so.
Or water from your tank, no issues at all then.

Unless you forget which one is which and put it in a drink.

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