Tell me about your dream tank

Plant wise I'd keep it simple, few different echinodorus, cryptocoryne, Anubias, java ferns on driftwood and amazon frogbit up top. Maybe a couple of crinum and nymphaea for impact.
Livestock would definitely be a large school of smaller fish such as tetras and a few platinum blue angels to start with.
I was going for the minimalist look, it's all the rage these days.

Thanks for all these awesome ideas yall. I'm loving reading them! I have a 40G breeder set up with fake plants and sand subtrate filled with livebearers. I'm happy with that tank but ever since I saw my brother in law's planted tank I've had some major tank envy. His isn't anything super special (in fact there's a lot I'd have done different) but there's just something beautiful about a fish swimming around live plants that can't be recreated with the fakies.

Here's my 40g breeder which is fun to look at, but I will probably do something completely different with the 135g.

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Well that looks really nice but you're right....real plants and fish equals magic
Livestock would definitely be a large school of smaller fish such as tetras and a few platinum blue angels to start with.

I wouldn't mix elongated ( Neon Cardinal type )Tetras and Angels as they will most likely see them as food, also some Tetras can be nippy EG Spare Tetra or Black Widow .

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