Tears In Heaven...

gutted mate sorry......we all have lost fish we have a soft spot for, don't dwell on it to much ;)

thanks mate =)

Mum was upset; they have gone out today and on the way back is maidenhead aquatics.. i wonder if they might buy a little puffer :wub:

thanks all for support :blush: :good:
Oooh fingers crossed bagu.
Good old maidenhead aquatics.
Maybe they have bought you a new tank aswell?
Let us know!

3 of my fish just past in the last 2 weeks because of brutal beatings from my 3 lyretail swordtails. The first one to fall was a 3-4 inch Snakeskin Gourami. Then a 1.5 inch black lyretail molly. And last night my prized moonlight Gourami. Apparently he had gil flukes and didn't know and then my swordtails took him down. Now I'm left with 3 Jack *** swordtails, 1 krib, a few cories and a clown pleco.
so sorry to hear you lost your favourite fish. I absolutely adore puffers so can imagine how you felt. Hope you're over it now?
Did your parents surprise you with a new addition??????LOL
I'm so sorry for your loss, some people don't understand how you can get as upset over losing a fish as another pet. You looked and cared for your puffer and will do the same again I'm sure. Please let us know what your parents have got. Good luck
Thanks for the help guys; its really nice :thanks: :flowers:

im sorry to hear about your losses aswell :( its a horrible thing :(

they got back but no fishes or tank :p BUT might be making a trip this weekend =]

they got back at midnight ^^ i was like a puppy waiting for my owners lol
Awww I'm sorry :-( :rip: :byebye: Its sad to lose a fish, especially one you were attached to. I had a guppy named Dylan once, poor little guy gave up and died. He was healthy one day and then dead the next *sigh* Life is hard. But I'm glad you're moving on :) Its the best thing to do in a sad situation.

Best wishes to you,

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