Tears In Heaven...


Shouldn't you be looking to the right?
Feb 15, 2009
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Spalding, Lincs
hi guys,

my favorite puffer fish Mr Wally (female :wub:) died today... she was a dwarf puffer in my community tank; as gentle as a feather :-(

Mr Wally used to get bullied and became far far to nervous and never used to come out, so i placed her in the community tank, they all got on like peas in a pod. In my tank i have a UGF power head, in the air connector i place my homemade Co2 (it blows out the Co2 bubbles in the current)

I went out today to pick up my brother from the train station, hadn't seen him for 5 months, we came home and i prepped the frozen food, i switched of the filters and waited... nothing :-( i frantically looked around and lifter the lid up for an birds eye view ... I noticed the air tube wasn't there and the puffer was :-( :-(

i panicked and tears filled up in my eyes, i could see her gasping, my Rams where right where she was I think they must have noticed something :( I blew in to the uptake and she came out, her whole bottom end was mangled, i could see her trying to swim but the hit the floor :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

I took her out into a little tank to keep her calm, i was crying so much, after a few minutes she passed; i broke down and now i just flushed her. Im 17 and i don't think ive cried that much in my life; she was the best puffer i could ever have asked for and hope she can forgive me :-(

I just wanted to let it out, noone is home at the moment and I feel awful.

Somtimes fishkeeping is hard..

Shes in a better place now mate, with as much frozen food as she wants.
Keep your head up high, dont worry about crying you dont have anything to be ashamed about.
You always get things your attached to, even the smallest of things.
Just keep your head high mate.
It can only get better.

im gutted for u 2!! :-(
sometimes u just have to let things go someday or other... id be cryin' my eyes off aswell if one of my acaras died :-(

sorry for u and mr.wally :rip: little fella
hey everyone

thanks alot for the words of sympathy and encouragement, really means alot :thanks:

thank you all; now ive got to break the news to mum :( that was her favorite fish :(

Sad thing is I cant imagine the tank without her, I really want another one but its all down to personality and mr wally had a bad past :(

Well, like youngfisher said, ill hold my head high and carry on... here are a few piccies of her; they aren't that great as she would swim away when you got too close :wub:

you gave her a good life while you had her :) she looked really cute
this is the hard side of fishkeeping :( im sure Mr Wally would like to see you get another,just so it means that they can get some of your love like she did :)

hope your feeling a little bit better

shelagh xxxxxxxxxxxx
you gave her a good life while you had her :) she looked really cute
this is the hard side of fishkeeping :( im sure Mr Wally would like to see you get another,just so it means that they can get some of your love like she did :)

hope your feeling a little bit better

shelagh xxxxxxxxxxxx

thanks alot shelagh, that really means alot :nod:
They are such great little fishes its hard not to get attached :wub:

I am gonna look into another one in my own time, but till then im gonna try and get better :)

im feeling better thank you, cup of tea and looking at your words made me feel better.

Thanks Mill xxx
ouch sorry to hear, i think you should get anouther aswell, is your tank a tropical or??? i duno what kind of tank they live in :) anyway i know how you feel, i lost my molly today only about 10 mins ago :( poor thing has only just gotten over giving birth to :(
Oh I'm so sorry you lost your lil one! I remember you writing about how she was docile b/c she had been bullied. Poor girl... some fish are just too curious for their own good :(
RIP Mr Wally.... RIP

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