Tapwater FIlter


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2004
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United Kingdom
I have been thinking for a while about buying a tap water filter to assist with water changes. The basic idea is you plumb them into your water supply or attach them to the tap directly. My plan is to get one that plumbs into the pipe and store the water in a but to be used as and when. I currently use several buckets that I have to individually treat with the usual chlorine removers etc.. before I can do a water change. Does anyone have any experience of these kits and any tips? It's not an RO unit I want before anyone gets confused! A good one will remove sediment, chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, organic chemicals and inorganic ions leaving you with perfect aquarium water. They cost £100. But I spend £5 a month on water treatment stuff in the long term a filter should be more cost effective but I would like some feedback first. I'm guessing most LFS use them anyway mine does and not suprisingly he wants to sell me one!
I was thinking about getting one of those a while back but it turned it to be too expesive buying those filters. Plus my fish aren't very sensitive to water conditions such as those. I just use Big al's Multi conditioner and it works great. It's a lot cheaper than buying some other dechlorinators. If you really want some type of water filter try and find out how it will cost initially and how much it will cost down the road. Some filter may be $200 at first but then the filters may last 10 times as long so it will cost you less in the long run. Some filters around the $20 the filters end up costing more and they don't last as long.

Back to your topic I think a tap water filter would work fine I can't think of why not. It also depends if you have plants and what fish you have. I'm sure someone will get back to you if it's worth it.
don't forget the running cost of the filter cartridges

it may work out to be the same price in the end, or more expensive.

I've thought about it but rather just use dechlorinator

i have 3 tanks (75 gallons total) and a 12$ bottle of aquaplus lasts me about 3 months
I have a filter cleaning tap water in the kitchen. It cost like 170 something. I'm guessing it would be fine though. I haven't tried it yet. I'm lazy and going downstairs and back upstairs multiple times to get water is just not worth it to me. I just put something in the water to make it better. I will try it sometime though...eventually.

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