Nick Sw
Yeah In my house in the Living room back corner away from the window hopefully it will be ok there and fit in.
Yes I think 1M 2F Labs would be a good start I`ll look into it, I`m going to buy a book maybe tomorrow and have a read up more on Cichlids specifically. The tank comes with a External Fluval 305 I think this will be ok to begin with but do you think I`ll need to add more filtration as more fish go in?
Ok from what I have read so far, the ideal filtration for a fully stocked cichlid tank is 5 complete tanks cycles per hours. That means you are aiming at approximately 1320 l/h for your tank. The fluval 305 does 710 l/h therefore you are only achieving a little over half the recommend filtration per hour. This maybe ok for the initial stock of three fish but it might be wise to get the other filter at the start. The reason being, if I recall you said you wanted to carry out a fishless cycle? it will take a lot longer to cycle the tank properly with only the one external.
Does the tank also have an internal?
Just out of curiosity do you live in England and if you do what part?
My filtration is as follows
The external filter is a Tetra ex700, this "as the name suggests" has a flow of 700lph.
The juwel internal filter has a flow of 600lph.
Thus the combined flow will be 1300lph or a complete tank turn over 7.2 times every hour or 174 times a day.
Ok thanks for that information so I basically need to double my filtration eventually, I might keep an eye out for another Fluval 305 then or look at an internal as well. Maybe best to stick with 2 Fluval 305`s .
Just checked the Fluval 305 does 1000 lph so I`m ok for a bit , it`s the 304 that does 700lph. So If I got an internal as well then I could always move that to a temporary tank for emergencies ?
Yes I`m going to do a Fishless cycle this seems the best way from what I`ve read , I intend to get some ammonia and an API master test kit, I think it`s that one anyway. Theres a guide to follow on the forums here somewhere.
Yeah I live in England - Halifax, West Yorkshire.