Tank Temperature


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Well I reset my temperature on Wednesday from 30C to 24C as my cycle had finished and I planned on getting fish at the weekend. Well I got 8 pearl danios on Saturday but the temperature of my tank is now at 27C. The heater hasn't been on at all from what I've seen but the temperature just doesn't seem to want to drop. Is there anything I can do? Or am I worrying about nothing. Fish seem fine.

If you are that worried i would say float some ice packs in tank to lower temp to 1-1.5 degrees. Dont do it too much (if fish are in tank) I do believe you should be ok though.
If your tank is larger than 29 gallon this approach may not work and someone with more experience may need to help....
This is a problem of mine too. The way i get round it is to get a fan to blow at the waters surface for a couple of hours, this will lower the temperature more than floating ice would, but be careful it doesnt drop too quickly
the larger a body of water the longer it will take to cool down, dunno about where you are but it's been quite hot and muggy up here this weekend so i would expect the temp of water to be dropping quickly. get the temp in the room it's in as low as you can with fans etc and then the tank temp should start to drop.

teh danio's will be fine at 27, they do prefer it a little cooler but 27 isn't awful especially if it's only temporary
Yeah i was thinking of it but wont it drop the temperature fast a quickly which may effect the fish.
My tank is 57 gallons. I'm in surrey which is just south of London, it's been a bit muggy here this weekend so i guess it could be that. I'll try the fan thing and cooling the room down. It does get quite hot in here with 3 pc's going. I'll stop panicking now :)

I do have my lights on a lot during the day but I do have live plants. The temp was at around 26.8 when I got up this morning thought and the lights had not been on for around 12 hours. Got a fan going now and the temp is starting to drop slowly :)

I wouldnt worry that much about it - nature doesnt use a heater at night, or chiller in the day.... temp fluctuations are quite normal, I'd only think about it if it were say 10%, and only then if it occured in a few hours. Stability is THE key with ALL parameters - rapid change does the harm, not having ideal conditions wont wipe out your tank, AS LONG AS THE CHANGE IS GRADUAL - equally so the adjustment to "normal"
Fish WILL survive high ammonia, ph and what have you too... as long as the change is gradual, of course we strive to prevent this happening, and its only the "human" thing to not ask them to endure it, but **** happens, and if we rush to correct it, you WILL do more harm than good.
Do you have any powerhead submerge in the water? Some powerhead run hot and will cause increase to the temperature of the water in the tank.

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