Tank Stocking

wow they are hard to catch on camera,camera shy lol thank you everyone x
3females no babies!!?


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Not necessarily. If they've shared a tank with a male (eg at the LFS) within the last 6 months, then there could be. Poecilid livebearers (platies, guppies, mollies, etc.) have the ability to store sperm packets for 6 months.
New photos are slightly clearer, still not great, but I think Daize is right that they're female.
thank you they are so quick!hard to catch on camera x x
All definitely female.  None of them look heavily pregnant but most females come pregnant from the shop so the chances are very good that you will get fry within the next four weeks!
So you have got
5 neon tetras
3 guppies + fry
2 otos
2 albino cories
3 female platies
2 purple harlequin rasbora
Does that sound right?
I would agree that your 60L is overstocked.
Some of these fish, e.g. the cories and rasbora prefer to be in shoals with their own kind so ideally you would need six of each to make them happy, but you don't have enough space for that.
Purely on the fish, I would have said the tank was at the boundary of stocking, on the red side of the line which an over-filtered & experienced keeper may have managed, but as per the other advice, the groups are now right for the fish that you do have. As the tank is on the smaller side too, over-stocking has a much bigger impact. Time to review which 2-3 you really like, re-home the remainder to  good homes/local fish store and increase their numbers whilst maintaining a watch on the stock volume.
For the fish you have I would find (and some will disagree) the surface area in inches/12 as a good rule of thumb.
So if you tank is 24"x12" you should not go more than 24" of fish if you were to add their lengths nose to tail. Make sure you can stay within this guide for the types of fish you have but allowing for the recommended minimum shoal to be reached. Also, this is maintaining that fish you keep are under 3" maximum, general about 2" as adult and spread across your aquarium height (e.g. adding 12 otos would just over populate the bottom of your tank.)
begin the wrath....
once the fry are rehomed will we be ok? or is it including the fry
this is excluding the fry, this is just from the list daize put up.
Personally I would:
lose either the guppies & platies
increase neon tetras to 10
lose the rasboras
choose between the oto & the cories & increase to 6 of them. I have recently been shown the light of the cories but for this tank I would be tempted b the otos just to keep the bio-load low and they are cute, especially if the filteration is not really up to spec to handle a fully stocked tank.
rather than rehome i think the Mr is planning on another tank so we can move the other in there once we get it cycled and set up! another tank is perhaps what we can do. perhaps the new tank will be able to house an angel fish or would that not bepossible? thank you all for your help x x
No, the fry are the least of the problems at the moment.
I'd rehome the platies, they grow too big. I'd probably rehome the guppies too as you don't want breeding in such a small tank, and the rasboras as they want a bigger group.
The tank is too small for corys, but it's possible to have a few. I'd probably just keep 3-4 corys, the 5 tetras and the 2 ottos, only if the tank is planted as otherwise they'll suffer.  And that's still overstocking but more sensible in long term. And do regular water changes. You can add a few cherry shrimp instead if you want more life in the tank.
we have live plants too 3 plants are in the tank thank you for replying x
Sarabrisc said:
rather than rehome i think the Mr is planning on another tank so we can move the other in there once we get it cycled and set up! another tank is perhaps what we can do. perhaps the new tank will be able to house an angel fish or would that not bepossible? thank you all for your help x x
Depends how big? If you like fishkeeping I'd advise to get the biggest you can fit in your place

Then you can move all these fish in there, up the numbers of the schooling fish and possibly add an angel fish if the tank size and dimensions is suitable as they'd need both a higher and longer tank. But Angels can be agressive and eat small fish like tetras once they reach a bigger size.
what size tank should we be looking for i know the hubby wants a larger tank so i know were having bigger and wondered what would be recommended x
we have live plants too 3 plants are in the tank thank you for replying x
For ottos you need a heavily planted tank, as in covering 75% of the tank space. That's what they'd like best and will survive longer in a tank like this.
we love fish keeping only just started for the kids really the kids are naming them after characters in the fav programs the guppys are Ben holly and nanny plum! but they like the brighter colour ones as they are easier to name with different colours! we are such novices i feel awful over stocking but lfs were advising us knowing what we had what size tank etc and here i was worried id put to many ornaments in!

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