Tank Stocking


New Member
Jun 13, 2013
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Hello everyone i am new to all everything and have recently set up a new tank have a 60l tank and have stocked it with the followi 5neon tetras.1passed away was 6. We have 3guppys 1male2females and have7fry which were unexpected arrivals in a breeding net they are just over 2weeks old we have a2 algae eaters and havtfish 3platy unsure of sex wasn't told by lfs and 2raspbora was told3but one passed . Do you think we are over stocked or could the tank take any more. Thefry will be going to lfsonce old enough. If we can have anymore what would be a recommendation i would love an angel fish but lfs said no! We have a peaceful tank and slowly added to our stock i noticed yesterday our male guppy has lost a bit of his beautiful tail but haven't noticed any problems! Anyway thank you for reading my essay! Sara
Just noticed it should read 2catfish
Yes you are overstocked.
Is the tank cycled?
Definitely a no to angelfish as they require a tank 55 gallons +
Yeah, I hate trying to type on my phone too.
Anyway, I think you are somewhat overstocked, without knowing what sort of catfish, what sort of algae-eater and what sort of rasbora, it's impossible to say by how much.
When you say recently, how recently? I suspect that the 2 losses you have suffered are to do with overloading an immature biological filter - it takes time for the bacterial colonies to establish themselves, when I first cycled a filter with fish in the tank, it took 10 weeks or thereabouts. You might like to have a read of this.
I suggest that you should do some research on the basics of fish keeping, this forum has a great beginners resource center as well. Did you cycle your tank before you put the fish in? If you don't know what I'm talking about return your fish immediately and research "the nitrogen cycle". You mentioned you lost two fish, what were the causes, how long did you have them. Are you dechlorinating your water, and also doing water changes of at least 25-30% a week? And also do you have a "gravel vacuum" to clean your sand/gravel (substrate). I'd say your tank is overstocked, personally I'd return the "algae eaters" if they're anything but otocinclus. "common plecos" or "bushy nose" or "bristle nose" aren't suitable for your tank, in fact no plecos are. Same with Chinese algae eaters and Siamese...if you don't have separate tanks for the fry I'd return all of the guppies and platys.. Oh and by the way, what type of rasboras? If I were you I'd return the algae eaters, the platys, the guppies and fry, up the schools of rasboras to 5-6 and then you'd be fine...again, it'd be a lot easier to advise you if you could post your maintenance routine and just how much you know :)
My husband changes the waters regularly not sure what the algae eaters are the algae lfs recommended them the cat fish are thecordy not sure of the spelling! Not sure of the raspbora the lfs recommended! We do gravel cleans hubby looks after all that and he does regular tests and i have heard him say we are cycled the neon died as he was bought with the other neons and the lfs recommended them while the tank was cycling died during our cycling. The raspbora was bought after all levels were tested by lfs we had 3as they were replaced due to the emperor tetras they sold us being aggressive to the neons the raspora didn't struggle the travel home he was quiet during the ride home and died in the tank.
Hi Sarabrisc and welcome!
When I first joined this forum, I found the fish species index to be fantastic. Almost all have pictures of the fish with their details, I recommend spending the time laboriously trawling through all those posts and try to ID all your fish fully. This will help massively with advice from here and for you to decide what you may need to do/can do :)
The catfish are likely corydoras, but there are hundreds of species. The algae eater could be a type of plecostomus or worse, a Chinese algae eater which will become dangerous when it matures.
Can you get a clear photo of your tank showing the fish?
You'll likely have quite a bit of research to do here, but we can help you get going in the right direction. Welcome!
Thank you will try get some pics up now x
ooh i don't know how to put pictures up!
here are the raspora x
try again lol raspbora x
can't see the pics lol x
here are the pics lol raspora catfish and the algae eater x


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the cat fish x x


  • 2013-06-13 13.10.53.jpg
    2013-06-13 13.10.53.jpg
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Looks like an albino cory, a colour morph of the bronze cory, corydoras aeneus.
thank you i managed to get the raspora and algae eater up too not sure what they are x
I thought albino cory as well. Lambchop raspbora?
I'll be REALLY interested to see the algae eater.
This Old Spouse said:
I thought albino cory as well. Lambchop raspbora?
I'll be REALLY interested to see the algae eater.
The Algae Eater is there too, but not very clear.
The rasbo - the dark area on the flank is usually much more well defined on a harlequin and much narrower on a lambchop. Where's MBOU when you need her? Tsk.

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