Tank stock

Possibly but there shouldn't realy be a problem. Are you going to fishless cycle the tank? If you are (and you should unless you are going to clone an existing tank instead), you could add them altogether. Otherwise, it depends somewhat on what kind of cories you are getting. If you are getting something hardy such as bronze, blackfin, albino or peppered, you can put them in first safely and the betta later.
was going to cycle the tank through fish less,

then think ill add them all together,

thinking 3 or 4 corys and one betta, not decided on which type yet tho, the albino ones look cool.

then maybe look into a snail or some shrimp later on see how everything is going.
I'd either add them all together or the cories first. If, for whatever eason, you can't get te cories you want, don't put the betta in first. After a while of being alone, bettas don't always take kindly to other fish in their territory.
I wouldn't keep a betta in with neons or guppies, they become very nippy with him and will eventually nip all his fins off, i have made that nistake myself at the beginning and lost him. Literally from looking at him in the morning to mid afternoon he had no tail left. the neons just nipped and nipped. he was dead the next day. For a 10 gallon tank I would seriously think of keeping him with catfish for example albino cory's, or small peppered cory's like I have. I have 4 albino's and they are great fun.

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