Tank Stand For 30"-12"-15"


New Member
Nov 18, 2007
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Hi all, my first post, although I've been lurking on here for some time having aquired a second hand tank. Been making a stand for it and any comments or suggestions would be most welcome. (hope the pics come up ok)






Will post more soon if these work out ok. Thanks
Thats a really nice stand. I like how it's like a triangle at the top. Are you going to make cabinets? I'm lovin the hardscape.

Never mind I just noticed you had cabinets. Woops!
Thanks all. We live in a terraced house so as you can imagine space is tight. The walls under the stairs were Knocked through to make it open plan by previos owner but was a bit cold for our liking, so I put one side back so we still had the feature of the slope of the stairs.

Tank just fits nicely so I thought I'd make the stand to blend in. Been fishless cycling for 12 days now.

Fish I would like to start with are probably 8 Harlequins, a few platys and 8 cardinal tetras (do you forsee any problems with cardinals going in when fishless cyclings done).

Thanks again.
Fish I would like to start with are probably 8 Harlequins, a few platys and 8 cardinal tetras (do you forsee any problems with cardinals going in when fishless cyclings done).

They should be just fine. What's the gallonage?
Thread title said 30" when it should be 36" so its about 22uk and 26us gallon

couple more pics



And one with moonlight which I learned from the sticky on this site.
Thats a great looking stand, really good use of space, tucked away under the stairs Im presuming because of the slant at the top, thats always an awkward area to fit something in :good:
tank and cabinet all closed in looks really nice nice work m8 always good to see poeple handy work

great looking tank looks nice
Very nice looking stand, love the way it's tucked under the stairs. Really love the aquascaping of it.

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