Tank Ornaments

Personal choice and taste. If you like it and it rocks your boat, put it in. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks at the end of the day. :)

rocks your boat :lol: :lol: :lol:

is there only me who saw the humour in that reply? Yes? oh ok :sad:
I'll try that tommorow :p
I'm good friends with them so they probably wouldn't mind (or we might not be such good friends if this got out :p ) or i know they have pictures of the tank on their computer, so they might send me one - no ones online at the moment tho, if i successfully get the picture i'll post it in this thread tommorow nite lol :lol:
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think about the fish when decorating a tank :) and keep it natural thats my 2 pence worth :) no to the ship wreck :lol:

surely somewhere in the world there is a fish in its natural habitat with a shipwreck laying near it....

I personally am tempted to try and mimic some form of "mediterreaneon" (sp?? lol) scene from the ancient romans/greeks with one of the ancient "towns" in the middle of excavation by spongebob squarepants. but i also know to get the full effect i want, it would need to be really tiny, or about 10'x10'
Okay I have a very natural tank - loads of bogwood and real plants and in one corner I have the dinosaur head with opening mouth :-( I don't have him on the air line so his mouth doesn't open but he is there for my amusement. I think he is cool - have your ship if you like it! :D

This photo was taken some time ago now, plants much better established!
It all comes down to personal preference.Everyone has different tastes.

Okay I have a very natural tank - loads of bogwood and real plants and in one corner I have the dinosaur head with opening mouth :-( I don't have him on the air line so his mouth doesn't open but he is there for my amusement. I think he is cool - have your ship if you like it! :D

This photo was taken some time ago now, plants much better established!

By the way nice tank :)
Firstly i nominate the neon dinosaur that is.... well poor!

Secondly your tank is really nice and the dinosaur head is cool

and thirdly yes there are shipwrecks in the natural habitat so you like you go forit. If you change your mind you can always take it out and sell it on ebay with the dinosaur and clam shell!
I've seen a couple of planted tanks w/shipwrecks in them. They looked pretty cool w/the plants growing up through some of the holes on the ship.

I have a resin skull in my betta tank, it looks pretty cool when algae grows on it (and the snail doesn't eat it off), and the betta likes it. If done tastefully, I like ornaments. Although I have to say those Spongebob ornaments are pretty cool. :D

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