Tank Number Two Already!

Do yourself a favour and get a different heater! The Dennerle one I have has overheated overnight so I have taken it out and put another in. Luckily everyone looks ok although I have yet to see the shrimp come out, but the zoas are fine.

are those the original lights that came with it? will they need upgrading if u wanted to keep a hammer coral or xenia wud ya?
Yes, that's the light that came with the tank. Xenia would be ok with it I should think - as would other softies like rics, mushies and zoas - but hammers are LPS and need better lighting than that.

I'll be getting more pics up tonight as the tank has progressed a fair bit now :D

I also have a bumblebee snail and small boxer shrimp in there although the shrimp is great at hiding :lol:
was just wondering where you had got to jenny. L:eek:oking forward to the pics.
Whata bout an up-date on the other tank too?
I've just done that Ben :lol:

I have swapped some corals round from there to this tank so both now look different so I'll update both threads tonight.

I'm also going to be adding a yellow banded possum wrasse to the tank in a fortnight after I've recovered from the heart op I am having next Tuesday -_- :blink:
Oh my goodness, good luck for the operation, sounds serious - look after yourself

Seffie x

Thanks Seffie. It's not something I'm looking forward to obviously, but I'll feel much better once I've recovered from it all :D

Pics tomorrow as I got held up at work today.

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